The Bearing Fruit
November 3, 2019
▪ Offering for 10/27/19 - Regular offering: $1,911.00; Keith
Litwiller Memorial: $250.00
▪ Thank you for the
calls, visits, prayers, cards, flowers, food and the Fellowship Meal following
the death of our Dad, Brother and Uncle Keith Litwiller. Keith had a
long journey with his cancer diagnosis but his faith remained strong, he
cherished his family and church and was ready to meet his Lord and Savior Jesus
Christ. Thank you for standing in the gap for the family as we said our
good byes. Being a part of our Church family at WMC is a blessing as we
walk together meeting the challenges of our days. Thank you and
blessings. - Chad Litwiller, Brian and Aimee Miller and
family, Francis and Phyllis Litwiller and family
Crooked Creek Christian Camp
Upcoming programs and events at Crooked Creek:
Nov. 12 Annual Meeting
Nov. 15-16 Craft Retreat* from 9am-9pm
Nov. 16 Wood Cutting Day starting at 8:00
Jan. 3-5 Winterfest* for grades 6th-8th
Nov. 12 Annual Meeting
Nov. 15-16 Craft Retreat* from 9am-9pm
Nov. 16 Wood Cutting Day starting at 8:00
Jan. 3-5 Winterfest* for grades 6th-8th
sign-up or register online prior to event
Hillcrest Academy
▪ FFA Fruit Sales | Fruit can be ordered through Nov 8 from
any FFA member or by calling the school office. Fruit will be delivered the
second week of Dec.
▪ Blood Drive | The Hillcrest chapter of the National Honor
Society is hosting a blood drive on Mon, Nov 4 from 6:30-11:00
am. Plan now to donate blood by scheduling a donation time through the
Hillcrest office at 319-656-2073. Thank you for helping your community in this
special way!
▪ Beauty and the Beast | The musical will be presented Sat, Nov 9
at 7:00 pm and Sun, Nov 10 at 3:00 pm. Reserved tickets are
Adults/$9, Students/$5 and can be purchased by calling the school office
(656-2073). The reserved seating charts can be seen here: .
General admission tickets may also be purchased at the door for an
addition $1/ticket.
▪ Meet the Cast Party | 5th-8th grade students and their families are
invited to stay after the Beauty and the Beast performance on Sat, Nov 9
for a backstage tour and to meet the cast. Light refreshments will be served.
Come get a glimpse of what it's like to be involved in a Hillcrest Academy
▪ Visit Days | First semester visit days on Nov 27 and Dec
2 are open to transfer students, 7th and 8th graders. These visits will
involve shadowing a current student. You can come for a half day or full day.
We will treat you to lunch. Details and registration can be found at
There will also be a coffee time at the beginning of the day for parents to
meet with our administrative team.
Central Plains
▪ The Northern Cheyenne Ministerial Assn is planning a dedication
celebration for their new Thrift Store building, Sunday afternoon, Nov 17 at 3
pm. It will be held at the new Everything Beautiful Thrift Store in Lame
Deer, MT. Anyone is welcome. RSVP to Willis Busenitz - Email: wnbus; Phone: 406-592-3643; Mail: PO Box 50 Busby, MT 59016.
▪ Central Plains Prayer Request: Pray for our Conference Board and the Search Committee for a new Executive Conference Minister. May each be led by the Spirit as they continue to do God's work in Central Plains.
▪ The Mennonite
Disaster Service Region 3 Annual Meeting will be held on Nov
8 & 9, 2019 at Faith Mennonite Church, Minneapolis, MN. An invitation
with details and registration is available in the church office. This
information can be found on this web site:
▪ Looking for
that next great adventure? MCC SALT positions now available! Take
chances. Make mistakes. Get messy. Be challenged. Learn some things.
Teach some things. Spend a year living somewhere that you never dreamed
you'd go... Serving and Learning Together (SALT) is a year-long,
cross-cultural service experience. Through SALT, Christian young adults from
Canada and the U.S. serve internationally in a wide variety
of positions in fields like education,
agriculture, health care, information technology, peace and more! Start
now at, to find answers to
frequently asked questions, assignment options and to apply.
Application close date 02/15/20.
▪ Mennonite
Central Committee has a new service opportunity called Seek!
It's an intentional discipleship program which focuses on exposing young adults
in what it means to be a follower of Jesus Christ, from an Anabaptist faith
perspective. We're looking for a coordinator to provide leadership for the
program in East Jerusalem, Israel. The Seek Coordinator will provide leadership
and assume responsibility for the spiritual direction, development and
implementation of the program. See vacancy online for more details! Application
close date 11/30/19.
▪ Looking for a way to connect
with people and engage with Mennonite Central Committee's supporters? We're
hiring an Alumni Engagement Coordinator! The person in this salaried position will coordinate
the alumni experience and support colleagues in strategic engagement of alumni.
Application close date 11/18/19. For more information and to apply, please
▪ Please pray for the MCC Mobile Cannery as it travels through Kansas, Nebraska,
South Dakota, Minnesota, Oklahoma and Iowa this fall. Please pray for the four
MCC canners, the volunteers who donate money and time at each canning site and
the recipients of canned meat. Find out more at
▪ Mennonite
Mission Network Prayer Request: When Ecuador’s president, Lenín Moreno, ended fuel subsidies last
month, unrest erupted. Indigenous and other marginalized people seized the
opportunity to protest inequalities in government policies. Mennonite Mission
Network requests prayer for negotiations as the government and indigenous
people work to create a just policy that will lead to peace.
▪ MC USA Announcement: MC USA has issued
a statement commemorating 1619 and the ongoing impact of slavery. This
year marks 400 years since 1619, the year when a ship carried enslaved people
from West Africa to the British colony of Virginia for the first time. This is
a season to grieve for all those who have been dehumanized in our country’s
particularly brutal system of slavery, and it’s a time for action. Learn more
Area Announcements
▪ Get
your feather or foam pillows cleaned, sanitized, deodorized & NEW TICKING
on Tuesday, November 5 at 8:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. At Kalona Mennonite Church, 902 6th
Sponsored by Kalona Mennonite WMSC
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