The Bearing Fruit
November 24, 2019
▪ Crowded Closet Volunteer Night – Join us on Tuesday evening, December 3rd, to volunteer at the
Crowded Closet! Organize your car load and be there as soon as it works for
you. Some of us plan to be there at 5 PM. Please bring along $3 per person for
pizza and bring your own Mountain Dew.
▪ Ballet Classes, Christmas Shows – The ballet classes that meet
in the Fellowship Hall are inviting everyone to attend their Christmas Recitals
on December 16th, 17th, and 18th at 3:00pm in
the Fellowship Hall. There will be
refreshments and plenty of seating.
Hillcrest Academy
▪ Visit Days | First semester visit days on Nov 27 and Dec
2 are open to transfer students and 8th graders. These visits will involve
shadowing a current student. You can come for a half day or full day. And we
will treat you to lunch! Details and registration can be found at
There will also be a coffee time at the beginning of the day for parents to
meet with the administrative team.
▪ Halftime Basketball Games | Get a chance to play on the main court in
Hillcrest Union during these basketball games on Fri, Dec 6 (5th-8th grade girls) and Fri, Dec 13 (5th-8th grade boys). Contact
Rebecca (rbeachymiller@hillcrest ) with questions.
▪ 75 Year Anniversary Cookbook | One of the ways we
will be celebrating our anniversary is by publishing a cookbook full of
recipes, stories, and photos from
the past 75
years of our school. And we need your
help to create this book! Please submit your recipes AND stories to recipes@ and we will take care of the rest (photos or scans of
recipe cards are acceptable). Please send questions to the same email or ask
your churches committee rep.
Central Plains Conference
▪ We’re better together! This summer, Amanda Bleichty, Conference Minister for Christian Formation,
encourages your youth group to step out of your comfort zone, to say “YES” to
new relationships, and to learn about discipleship as you take a
service/mission trip with another youth group from our conference. Find out
more about the “Youth Mission Together” project or explore being matched
with another CPMC group at our website, www.central
or contact Amanda at
▪ Central Plains Prayer Request: We give thanks for all the relationships in our congregations and in our conference that sustain us, guide us, and help us to see the Kingdom of God!
▪ Mennonite
Mission Network Prayer Request: Mennonite Mission Network requests prayer for Marvin Lorenzana and his
leadership of the Missional Discipleship Initiative. More than 45 leaders in
eight “huddles” (learning groups) began training last month. Praise God for
their willingness to reach out into their communities to share the good news
about Jesus’ love.
▪ MC USA Announcement: Mennonite Church USA relies on your support as we seek to follow Jesus,
witness to God's peace and help our communities experience
transformation. Consider making a year-end, tax-deductible donation on or before #GivingTuesday,
December 3, to support the ministries of MC USA
Area Announcements
(Just Peace Outreach Group) invites you to hear Peter Wigginton address
the topic "Teaching Peace in Ecuador." For twenty years,
the Mennonite mission partnership in Ecuador has focused on welcoming refugees,
teaching peace, and supporting indigenous churches. Mennonite churches in Quito
were also involved in the recent protests seeking justice. Peter Wigginton, who
with his wife Delicia Bravo Aguilar, serves as Ecuador partnership coordinator
in Quito, will speak at the Just Peace Outreach Group (JPOG), on Sunday, November
24, 2019, at East Union Mennonite Church, 5615 Gable Avenue, Kalona,
IA. Join us at 6 p.m. for a finger food potluck and conversation, or at 7
pm for Peter's presentation.
▪ West
Union MYF invites you to a delicious pulled pork fundraiser meal on Sunday,
November 24th at noon. Bring your friends and enjoy a time of food and
▪ ONE Youth Event | ALL
6-12th graders are invited to “ONE” a community youth event which will be held
at Hillcrest Academy, Dec 8 from 6–7:30 PM. It will be a time to build
relationships, worship, and have fun together! Contact Samantha (
for details.
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