The Bearing Fruit
March 31, 2019
▪ Offering for 3/42/19 - Regular offering: $2,239.02;
$200; Family Assistance Fund: $400
Crooked Creek Christian Camp
▪ Have you
always thought you could be the next top chef? Do you have a passion for serving
others and getting creative in the kitchen? Consider working as a Part-time Cook at Crooked Creek. As a
part-time cook you'd be responsible to our Food Service Manager and prepare and
serve meals from our easily followed recipes to our guests and/or campers.
Duties include 30+ hours of meal preparation, serving and clean-up during the
week, weekends and some evenings. On-campus housing
available. Please contact Brenda for more information or 319-936-3611
▪ Please save the date for our spring cleaning day at camp: April 27. All are welcome.
▪ Sign-up for Crooked Creek Wild May 4, 2019, our annual Summer Camp Fund fundraiser which raises money for families who may not be able to afford the cost of camp.
Iowa Mennonite School
▪ Service And Learning Term (formally known as Interterm) is happening all over the USA
this week. But have you ever wondered what SALT (formerly Interterm) is like at
IMS? On Friday, April 5 is your
chance to find out! We are having a Service
and Learning Term Showcase where you can learn about what our students and
faculty experienced during their SALT week. From 7:00-8:00PM students will be
available to share about their week's activities, then from 8:00-9:00PM our
SALT Music & Drama Team group will share their SALT performance.
▪ FFA Farmer Feed | This annual event will be on Friday, April 5 from 6:30-8:00AM in the IMS cafetiera. The FFA
members will cook sausage, eggs, bacon, and pancakes for our local farmers or
for anyone who would like to come in and visit with others from the community.
Coffee, milk and juice is also provided. Goodwill donations will be accepted.
▪ Adria Ebersole Recital | On April 6 at 7:00PM in Celebration Hall.
▪ Peter Pan & Wendy | Rehearsals
are underway for the spring drama Peter Pan & Wendy. Performances are May 4 at 7:00PM and May 5 3:00PM in Celebration Hall.
Reserved tickets can be purchased by calling the office: $9/adults and
$5/students K-12. Please check out first
to see what's available. Tickets at the door are general admission: $10/adults
and $6/students.
Central Plains
▪ Central Plains Mennonite Conference
Prayer Request: Pray for the search process for
CPMC's new Conference Minister for Ministerial Leadership. Pray for the
candidates and the search committee, that they may recognize God's presence and
guidance in the process.
Mennonite Agencies
▪ SWAP volunteers urgently needed: MCC's
Sharing With Appalachia People (SWAP) program has an urgent need for volunteer
groups and individuals. Summer will be here before we know it, so make your
summer plans now to join SWAP in Kentucky or West Virginia. Don't miss out on
your chance to serve with this home repair ministry while learning about life
in Appalachia. Individuals or groups, including families, adults or youth can
volunteer to serve for week-long opportunities. For more information about
bringing a group to SWAP, visit
or contact Angela Maggard at
or 606-633-5065.
▪ Mennonite
Mission Network Prayer Request: Today, Mennonite Mission Network’s Service Adventure units from
Albuquerque, New Mexico; Anchorage, Alaska; Colorado Springs, Colorado;
Jackson, Mississippi; and Johnstown, Pennsylvania; are beginning a week of
team-building and service with Mennonite Disaster Service in Bloomington,
Texas. Pray for God’s love to flow through them.
Area Announcements
▪ Thank you for supporting the Crowded
Closet Thrift Shop move to Pepperwood Plaza! Grand Opening sales were the highest in the history of the shop!
Contact Christine to schedule a tour and learn how our volunteers help send
millions of dollars to support Mennonite Central Committee,
▪ Join the Kalona Mennonite Youth for a
Haystacks Fundraiser Meal on March 31st. Serving begins at 12:00 noon.
▪ The semi-annual
bluegrass community hymn sing at St. Michaels in Holbrook (7 miles south of the
I-80 Amana exit) will be on Sunday, April
2, 2019, from 2 to 4 pm. Sing along with Kristie and Bob Black, Julie and Paul
Roberts, and other fine area musicians. Free admission and song sheets are
provided. Everyone is welcome for the full two hours or to come and go as
▪ Bethel Church invites all women to
Priscilla Shirer’s Going Beyond Simulcast on April 6, 2019.
The simulcast event begins with doors open at 8:00 AM and ends at 4:30
PM. Lunch and snacks will be included in registration. Registration is NOW
OPEN! You can register here - or call
the church. If you would like a registration form emailed to you, please
send an email to the address below. Registration is FREE BUT
REQUIRED and is open through March 31st. We are offering t-shirts for purchase. These are on the
registration form and will be available for pick-up the day of the event for
$9.00. To find out more information about attending the Simulcast contact or call 319.256.8531.
▪ Real Conversation about Migration in Your
Community. Iowa Wesleyan University
invites you to attend the 2019 Manning
Lecture and Migration Forum on Sunday, April
7 at 1:30 pm in the Chapel Auditorium. Rev.
Alexia Salvatierra will deliver the keynote address, “Faithful Responses to Migration.” The lecture will be followed by
two workshop sessions including presenters from a wide range of groups involved
with migration in Iowa: Mount Pleasant Chamber Alliance, the Iowa Department of
Human Rights, the League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC), Justice for
our Neighbors, IowaWINS, and many more! Free and open to the public. For more
information or
▪ Pulled Pork Dinner at Upper Deer Creek Church, Sunday April 7. Menu includes
smoked pork, cheesy potatoes & green beans, along with a variety of
salads and desserts, serving from 11:30 am to 1:30 pm. Come support UDC's youth
group and Summer Missions Trip to Leech Lake Reservation. Cost is on a donation
▪ West
Union MYF invites you to a delicious haystack fundraiser meal
on Sunday, April 7th at noon. Bring
your friends and enjoy a time of food and fellowship! Proceeds will go to cover
convention expenses this summer.
▪ Frank
Yoder, resident of Pleasantview Home’s Independent
Living community, will sign a
book he recently authored, entitled
“Lena’s Boys: Adventures on the County Line Road,” on Saturday, April 13. The event will take place
from 10:00 am – 12:00 noon in Pleasantview’s Friendship Center. The book –
highlighting the tales of growing up in a single-parent home in the ‘40s as one
of four boys – will be available for sale as well. Refreshments will be served,
and all are invited. Please call 656-2421 for more information.
▪ Parkview Home
Fundraiser Saturday, April 27, 2019, 6:30 PM @ Sugar Creek Mennonite Church Fellowship
Hall. This evening will include Dinner and Auction of Various Items. Please
see mailbox insert for further information.
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