The Bearing Fruit
March 24, 2019
▪ Offering for 3/17/19 - Regular offering: $1,080.00
Crooked Creek Christian Camp
▪ Summer Camp Date change! Due to the number of snow days, we've
shifted our 1st-2nd grade camp to June 14-15. Registration for summer
camp is now open, so make sure to get the early bird rate and sign-up NOW!
▪ Please save the date for our spring cleaning day at camp: April 27. All are welcome.
▪ Sign-up for Crooked Creek Wild May 4, 2019, our annual Summer Camp Fund fundraiser which raises money for families who may not be able to afford the cost of camp.
Iowa Mennonite School
▪ Peter Pan &
Wendy | This spring IMS will be doing a full-scale
drama production instead of the Children's Drama. Peter Pan & Wendy will
be performed on May 4 & 5. Save
the dates and look for tickets to be sold soon.
▪ Service
And Learning Term | SALT is happening all over the USA
this week. But have you ever wondered what SALT (formerly Interterm) is like at
IMS? On Friday, April 5
is your chance to find out! We are having a Service and Learning Term
Showcase where you can learn about what our students
and faculty experienced during their
SALT week. From 7:00-8:00PM students will be available to share about their
week's activities, then from 8:00-9:00PM our SALT Music & Drama Team group
will share their SALT performance. We are so excited about SALT and the unique
learning experience it offers our students, we wanted to open up this
experience to share with the greater IMS community. Please join us for a fun
Central Plains
▪ Central Plains Mennonite Conference
Prayer Request: Pray for the pastors and
chaplains of Central Plains and their spouses who are meeting together for
Annual Leader's Retreat in Schuyler, Nebraska this weekend.
Mennonite Agencies
▪ Love Crosses Borders: A Mennonite Men immersion experience with immigrants.
Love is the greatest of all
virtues. But what does love look like in times of cynicism and polarization?
Borders are not only social constructs, they’re also spiritual ones. Who’s
included? Who’s excluded? How do we reconcile God’s call to welcome the
stranger with so much fear-filled rhetoric and policies? What can unwelcomed
immigrants teach the Church about love? How can the legacy of the Civil Rights
Movement inform and inspire us to a love that crosses borders? July 28 to August 3, Mennonite Men will
provide a week-long immersion experience with immigrants to engage these
issues. To register or for more information, visit or contact
Steve Thomas at
YOUTH ages 15-22: Wishing your summer looked a little more
global? Join a team of peers to explore and engage in the movement of God in
Peru, Benin, and Indonesia. Youth
Venture still has openings available for trips in July. Ready to jump in?
Check out MennoniteMission.Net/YouthVenture ,
or contact Lauren at 574-523-3022 for more information. Hurry! Application deadline is April 1.
▪ Your graduate’s first year after
high school is crucial, and Service Adventure is a sure way to make it
count. Service Adventure is a 10-month program where young adults gain real-world experience through placements with
nonprofit organizations, and learn to live and grow in household community
with peers and a mentor. Call Lauren at 574-523-3022 or visit the web to find
out more:
▪ Mennonite
Mission Network Prayer Request: Anne Garber Kompaoré of Mennonite Mission Network helped plant the
seeds of the 40-year-old Mennonite Church in Burkina Faso and continues to live
in the country, working as a global Bible-translation consultant. Pray for her
and her husband, Daniel, as they also provide leadership for congregations and
Area Announcements
▪ Join
Crowded Closet Thrift Shop to celebrate our new beginning at Pepperwood Plaza,
851 Hwy 6 E!
- Sunday, March
24, 3:00-5:00pm - Open House with
Dedication Service at 4:00pm on the retail floor. Enter through Customer
Entrance or Volunteer Entrance. Join us for fellowship, refreshments, shop
tours, and celebration!
- Monday, March
25, 10:00am - Grand Opening.
Celebrate the first official day of sales at the new Crowded Closet with ribbon
cutting and live music!
▪ Join the Kalona Mennonite Youth for a
Haystacks Fundraiser Meal on March 31st. Serving begins at 12:00 noon.
▪ The semi-annual
bluegrass community hymn sing at St. Michaels in Holbrook (7 miles south of the
I-80 Amana exit) will be on Sunday, April
2, 2019, from 2 to 4 pm. Sing along with Kristie and Bob Black, Julie and
Paul Roberts, and other fine area musicians. Free admission and song sheets are
provided. Everyone is welcome for the full two hours or to come and go as
▪ Bethel Church invites all women to
Priscilla Shirer’s Going Beyond Simulcast on April 6, 2019.
The simulcast event begins with doors open at 8:00 AM and ends at 4:30
PM. Lunch and snacks will be included in registration. Registration is NOW
OPEN! You can register here - or call
the church. If you would like a registration form emailed to you, please
send an email to the address below. Registration is FREE BUT
REQUIRED and is open through March 31st. We are offering t-shirts for purchase. These are on the
registration form and will be available for pick-up the day of the event for
$9.00. To find out more information about attending the Simulcast contact or call 319.256.8531.
▪ Real Conversation about Migration in Your
Community. Iowa Wesleyan
University invites you to attend the 2019
Manning Lecture and Migration Forum on Sunday, April 7 at 1:30 pm in the Chapel Auditorium. Rev. Alexia Salvatierra will deliver the keynote address, “Faithful Responses to Migration.” The
lecture will be followed by two workshop sessions including presenters from a
wide range of groups involved with migration in Iowa: Mount Pleasant Chamber
Alliance, the Iowa Department of Human Rights, the League of United Latin
American Citizens (LULAC), Justice for our Neighbors, IowaWINS, and many more!
Free and open to the public. For more information or 319-385-6403,
▪ Parkview Home
Fundraiser Saturday, April 27, 2019, 6:30 PM @ Sugar Creek Mennonite Church Fellowship
Hall. This evening will include Dinner and Auction of Various Items. Please
see mailbox insert for further information.
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