The Bearing Fruit
May 6, 2018
▪ Offering for 4/29/18 - Regular Offering: $995.00; Coins for
Camp: $12.00
▪ In the month of May, we’ll be Collecting My
Coins Count for Mennonite Central Committee during worship.
Iowa MCC Relief Sale
▪ The MCC Pie and Ice Cream Booth needs
pies and volunteers!
Please consider baking and donating pies. Please label all pies with the
home church name, baker number and ingredients. Pie pans and boxes are
now at your church! NO cream pies please (this includes pumpkin).
E-mail or visit https://www.
to sign-up to volunteer. You can also call 646-6864 to ask about
volunteer time slots available. Thank you! Stan and Beth Shetler
▪ Iowa Mennonite Relief Sale Tractorcade: Meet at Fairvew Church on Friday June 1, 2018 between noon to 1:00pm for check-in. The tractorcade will be
leaving for the fairgrounds at 1:30pm SHARP.
Suggested donation of $35.00 will be collected at check-in. Registration
deadline is May 9 to be guaranteed a t-shirt.
Register by May 21 to ensure a parking space
at the fairgrounds. You can get a registration form from your MCC Sale church
representative. Please contact LaVern Shetler at 319-530-0032 if you have
▪ Volunteers are needed to help fill several areas at this year's Iowa
Mennonite Relief Sale.
Areas needing volunteers include: parking, Relief Sale Trail Run,
Welcome Centers, breakfast servers, Activities Barn and Book Corner. If
you are interested in volunteering please visit www.iamcc to sign up or
contact the following persons: for parking, the trail run or welcome centers
contact Rebecca Beachy Miller 319-631-2461, For Breakfast
Servers: Janet Geyer 319-321-0995, For Book Corner:
Shirley Yoder 319-331-3931, For Activities Barn: Tanna
Boshart 319-936-2844, or Amy Landes 319-383-1890,
▪ A new addition to the 2018 Iowa Mennonite
Relief Sale is the Relief Sale
Trail Run. Beginning
at the Johnson County Fairgrounds and continuing through neighboring Ryerson
Woods, a 5K Trail Run will be just the thing to get you ready for the
all-you-can-eat pancake breakfast! A 1-mile walk for all ages will also take
place at the fairgrounds. The Run/Walk begins at 8am on Saturday, June 2.
Cost is $20/person, includes T-shirt. Register for both the run and walk at, search for
"Relief Sale Trail Run".
Iowa Mennonite
▪ Academic & Fine Arts Awards Night | The annual
event will take place in Celebration Hall on Tuesday May 8 at 7:00PM. Awards will be given to students
who have excelled in academics, music, drama and art. It also recognizes
students who have been of service to others. The event is hosted by the
IMS National Honor Society members. The community is welcome and
encouraged to attend this event in support of these students.
▪ Hannah Peters Senior Recital | May 12 at 7:00PM Hannah
will be accompanied on stage by other students, faculty and family. Her senior
recital is a compilation of pieces she has learned over her senior year at IMS.
Hannah is the daughter of Michael and Robin Peters. There will be a reception
following the recital and everyone is welcome to attend.
▪ IMS Graduation Activities | Baccalaureate
on Saturday May 26
& Commencement on Sunday
May 27 both are in Celebration Hall at 6:00PM.
▪ The Annual IMS Golf Tournament | June 16 at the Kalona Golf Club. Register to play or be a sponsor at .
Central Plains Conference
▪ Central Plains Mennonite Conference
Prayer Request: Pray
for Executive Conference Minister David Boshart while he is visiting
and teaching Mennonite leaders in Tanzania from May 2-9.
Mennonite Agencies
▪ Celebrate Mother’s Day by supporting
mothers around the world through MCC Infant Care Kits! Help mothers, who are displaced by war
or disaster, give their infants a good start. The kit contents have changed
recently, visit for
full kit information and from there click through to our Amazon Wish List for
easier shopping and shipping. Just bring or ship kit items to MCC Central
States 121 E. 30th St. North Newton, KS 67117. Send love around the world this
Mother’s Day! Contact or call 316.283.2720 with questions.
▪ Calling all MCC volunteers!! Please save the date for our Volunteer
Appreciation event on Wednesday, June 13 5-7 pm at MCC Central States in North Newton!
▪ Sexualized violence and the church – Mennonite
Central Committee is offering a series of free webinars this spring for churches and individuals
who want to learn more about how to address sexualized violence within the
congregation and how to encourage healthy sexuality and healthy masculinity
among members. Each webinar will be led by church leaders and others with
expertise in the topics. All three webinars are free and begin at 2 pm and end at 3 pm CST. Please join
us on Wednesday, May 9
for Sexualized violence- How should churches respond? Speakers Cyneatha
Millsaps and Silvia Rios will lead the discussion about what we mean when we
talk about sexualized violence and what we can do when our congregations
experience sexualized violence. The final webinar will be on June
13, Healthy masculinity. Learn more and register for the
webinars at Contact with questions.
Area Events
▪ You are invited to join a community hymn
sing May 6, 3:00 p.m. at Pleasant View Church
at Joetown, using The Mennonite Hymnal (red) which will be provided.
▪ West Union MYF invites you to a delicious
taco fundraiser meal on Sunday, May
6 at noon. The IMS Touring Choir will be at West Union that morning
during the service. Bring your friends and enjoy a time of food
and fellowship! Proceeds will go to cover expenses for this summer’s
service project and convention expenses next summer.
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