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Washington, IA 52353

Thursday, May 10, 2018

Bulletin for May 13, 2018

Called to become neighbors with those near and far by
joyfully walking together in God’s peace

Washington Mennonite Church
May 13, 2018 – 9:30 AM

We welcome all to this place for the worship of God and for Christian fellowship.  Let us worship God in spirit and in truth, reaching out to one another in Christ’s love.  We welcome our guests and visitors and hope you will join us again soon.

Words of Welcome
Songs of Praise                          Morning Has Broken                                 HWB 648
                                                God is Here Among Us                              HWB 16
                                                Will You Let Me Be Your Servant             HWB 307
Children’s Story
New Testament Story     Philippians 2:1-13
Song of Response            Christ’s is the World                                    STJ 62
Sharing and Announcements
In our joy……Thanks be to God.
Lord in your mercy……Hear our prayer.
Lord guide us……As we are your hands and feet.
Sending Song                     Let There Be Peace on Earth                      S&R 53

Centro Cristiano Worship Service (in Spanish), 2:00 PM
Martha Hernandez, pastor

Worship Leaders:               
Worship Leader: Roger Farmer                         Song Leader:  Susan See   
Meditation:  Amanda Bleichty                          Sound System:  Sandy Buhrow
Children’s Time:  Amy Widmer                                                        
Upcoming Events:
May 16 – Monthly Quilting/Potluck, 10am
June 1-2 – Iowa MCC Relief Sale, Iowa City
June 9  – Saturday Kitchen, UP Church
June 21-24 – CPMC Annual Meeting, NE
                                                                                                                                                 Sunday Morning Schedule              
May 20  – Amanda                
May 27  – Michael Swartzendruber
June 3    – Amanda
June 10  – Amanda

Sunday School Classes: (10:50 – 11:30am)
Adult Bible Study (back corner of the Fellowship Hall): Tim Widmer
Adult Bible Study on Identity & Aging (Sanctuary):  Jon & Becky Widmer
Children (middle room in Fellowship Hall):  Andrea Nussbaum

Mission Statement -  As followers of Jesus Christ, we are a community of faith empowered by the Holy Spirit, seeking to love God with all our hearts, minds, souls, and strength, and to love others as ourselves.

Ministers:  All of God’s People
Pastor:  Amanda Bleichty, 319.325.4522 (cell),                                
Elders:  Mary Lou Farmer 653.2547, Jon Widmer 461.5010, Gay Widmer 461.0402
Church Secretary: Andrea Nussbaum 815.404.3363  
Church Office e-mail:
Church Website:

Church Address:  815 E Polk St, Washington, IA 52353  Office Phone: 653.6041    

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