The Bearing Fruit
March 25, 2018
Mar 29 – Maundy Thursday Service,6:30pm
Mar 31 – Saturday
Kitchen, UP Church
Apr 4 –
Council Meeting, 5pm
Apr 8 – Amanda’s
Ordination, Potluck
Apr 11 – Spring Business
Meeting, 7pm
▪ Offering for 3/18/18 - Regular Offering: $6,011.65; Saturday
Kitchen: $100.00
▪ We are not able to locate the following
Washington Mennonite Church papers: 1) Bylaws and 2) Letter from IRS stating the church tax
identification number. If you have a copy at home or know where they might be
located, please contact Mary Lou Farmer, Treasurer, as soon as possible. Thank
▪ “Dear
Sisters and Brothers at Washington Mennonite, Thank you so much for the
generous contribution you made to the Villatoro Family Fund in response to our
fundraiser! It has been encouraging to
see the faithful support of so many people.
Please continue to pray for a place for the family to reunite.” - God
Bless You, Shana Boshart for Friends of Pastor Max
▪ Maundy Thursday
Service: Sign-up sheets for our Maundy Thursday Service are on the table
in the foyer. We still need fruit and vegetable trays, oil
lamps and a clean- up crew. Find the sheet on the foyer table and sign
for what you can bring or if you can help clean up.
▪ Saturday Kitchen: WMC
will be serving the noon meal at Saturday Kitchen March 31st.
Sign-up sheets for workers are on the table in the foyer. We are
still needing persons to set up the dining room for the Saturday Kitchen noon
meal and we also still need persons to clean up following the meal. Thank
you in advance for your help. – Phyllis Litwiller, Gloria Widmer and Sue
Crooked Creek Christian Camp
▪ Save the date for Crooked Creek Wild, May
5, 2018! Registration is open NOW! /crooked-creek-wild. The challenge-course run begins at 10:00am
with a free-will donation lunch to follow.
More details and photos of last year’s event online.
Iowa Mennonite School
Senior Recital | Monet Slabach daughter of Lance & Nichole
Slabach, will present her senior recital in Celebration Hall at
IMS at 7:00PM on Saturday March
31. Hors d’oeuvres will follow the recital.
▪ Food
Drive | The IMS National Honor Society (NHS) is planning a food drive for the local food pantries March 19-30.
Food can be donated to IMS throughout that time. Tables for food will be set up
on the various nights events are being hosted at IMS.
Pre-Registration | March 26 from 4:30-7:30PM. This is your
opportunity to turn in your applications and meet with Guidance Counselor,
Dwight Gingerich to set up a preliminary schedule for the fall. Please contact
Candi Schmieder at or 319-656-2073
ext. 20 to set up a time.
Central Plains Conference
▪ Central Plains Mennonite
Conference Prayer Request: This month and next, Dave Boshart and Tim
Detweiler are leading interested pastors in a
four-part discussion of Brad Roth's book, God's Country: Faith,
Hope and the Future of the Rural Church. Pray for those gathered to discuss
the book, and for the unique challenges of our rural congregations.
Mennonite Agencies
▪ Lunch &
Learn at MCC with Joanna Shenk! Join us on Thursday, April 5
from noon to 1 pm at MCC in North Newton, Kansas to hear Joanna share about her
new book, “The Movement Makes Us Human an Interview with Dr. Vincent Harding on
Mennonites, Vietnam and MLK.” Lunch will be provided by Mojo’s Coffee Bar.
Please RSVP for lunch by April 3. For the first time, we’re offering an
opportunity for you to join this event virtually, on any computer or device.
Visit for information about Joanna, the book and about how
to join the event from your home or office! Questions or to RSVP: 316.283.2720
▪ Mennonite Mission Network Prayer
Request: Last
month, soon after Deb Byler began a Mennonite Mission Network assignment in
Guatemala, she had a medical emergency that necessitated surgery in Chicago.
Pray for health and energy for Deb as she prepares to return to work with
women’s leadership development in the Kekchi Mennonite Church.
Area Events
▪ Community
Good Friday
Tenebrae Service: Join local Mennonite churches as we worship together this
Friday, Mar 30, 7pm at
Celebration Hall in Iowa Mennonite School. High school students will share
testimonies relating to Jesus’ last seven words before his death on the cross.
Child care will be provided for ages 3-8. Student speakers are Brandon Jimenez,
Joya Schrock, Jacob Boller, Edna Villatoro, Cameron Roser-Peet, Isaac Miller,
& Emma Beachy. Offering Baskets will be in the foyer to support
the ministry of Iglesia Zoar in Flores de Mayo.
▪ Stewards of the Earth – An Earth Day
Conference – Iowa Wesleyan University invites you to attend the 2018 Manning Lecture and Earth Day
Conference on Sunday, April 22
at 1:20pm in the Chapel Auditorium.
Professor Robert Grant will
deliver the keynote address, “Eco-Librium: A New Stewardship of Creation.” The lecture will be followed by two workshop
sessions including: Composting in your Backyard; Planting for Pollinators;
Recycling for Everyone; the Quilt Game for Climate Change; Organic Farming;
Wind and Solar Energy; Water Quality in Iowa; Stewardship and the Bible;
Reducing Your Ecological Footprint; Aldo Leopold’s Land Ethic, and much
more! Free and open to the public. For more information or
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