The Bearing Fruit
April 1, 2018
▪ Offering for 3/25/18 - Regular Offering: $1,341.00
▪ We are not able to locate the following
Washington Mennonite Church papers: 1) Bylaws and 2) Letter from IRS stating the church tax
identification number. If you have a copy at home or know where they might be
located, please contact Mary Lou Farmer, Treasurer, as soon as possible. Thank
Iowa MCC Relief Sale
▪ The Iowa Mennonite Relief Sale is in
immediate need of 2 individuals (or 1 couple) to serve on the Food Committee. This is a 3 year term; primary
responsibilities include overseeing the organization and implementation of food
booths. Anyone interested please contact Lowell and Mary Yoder at 319-656-3715,
or Joe and Carrie Schmidt at 319-471-0531.
Crooked Creek Christian Camp
▪ Summer Camp registration is OPEN! Register
online NOW for the BEST RATE at summer-camp.html
▪ Crooked
Creek Wild is May
5, 2018! Register at your convenience at
The goal is 100 participants. Come for a fun and muddy time!
▪ Volunteer for a Spring Cleaning Day! Help
prepare Crooked Creek Camp for the summer April 24 or 28. Come clean, landscape
and organize. Sign-up for a date and time that works for you!
Iowa Mennonite School
The IMS Operating Board wishes to announce that the search process for a Principal will soon be underway. It
will be a careful and diligent search and likely will not be concluded prior to the beginning of the next school contract year. Therefore Dwight Gingerich will serve as the Interim Principal for the 2018-19 school year. Dwight’s long history with IMS and his current role on the Administration Team will allow the school to continue moving forward during the search process. Please be in prayer as the search committee is formed and for those who will be considering the Principal position. We will inform constituents when the committee is named so that suggestions for potential candidates can be given to the appropriate people.
▪ The
IMS Touring Choir leaves for the MSC Choral Festival hosted by
Eastern Mennonite School in Harrisonburg VA this week. Follow
along on social media using the hashtag #MSCCHORALFESTIVAL and watch the performance live streamed starting at 2:00PM CT
on Sunday April 8 online or at
IMS in Celebration Hall.
▪ The IMS FFA hosts their annual Farmer's Feed on Friday April 13 from 7:00-8:00AM. Please come and bring your farmer friends! There will be plenty of food! Goodwill donations will be accepted.
▪ Prospective Student Skating Party April 13 from 6:30-8:30PM at the Wellman Skating Rink.
▪ Rehearsals are underway for the Children’s Dramas that will be performed on Saturday April 28 at 7:00PM and Sunday April 29 at 3:00PM. Featuring fresh tellings of the old stories of Hansel and Gretel, 3 Little Wolves (and the big bad pig) and Mushkil Gusha, students bring to life a few important life lessons. Performances will be in Celebration Hall, no admission will be charged, donations for the IMS Drama Dept are welcome.
Central Plains Conference
▪ Central Plains Mennonite
Conference Prayer Request: Pray for your sister churches in South Dakota:
Sermon on the Mount in Sioux Falls and Bethany, Hutterthal, Salem and
Salem-Zion in the Freeman area.
Mennonite Agencies
▪ Lunch &
Learn at MCC with Joanna Shenk! Join us on Thursday, April 5
from noon to 1 pm at MCC in North Newton, Kansas to hear Joanna share about her
new book, “The Movement Makes Us Human an Interview with Dr. Vincent Harding on
Mennonites, Vietnam and MLK.” Lunch will be provided by Mojo’s Coffee Bar.
Please RSVP for lunch by April 3. For the first time, we’re offering an
opportunity for you to join this event virtually, on any computer or device.
Visit for information about Joanna, the book and about how
to join the event from your home or office! Questions or to RSVP: 316.283.2720
▪ Sexualized violence and the church Mennonite Central Committee is offering three free webinars this spring
for churches who want to learn more about how to address sexualized violence
within their congregation and how to encourage healthy sexuality and healthy
masculinity among members. The webinars will be led by church leaders and
others with expertise in the topics. All three webinars will start at 2 pm and
end at 3 pm CST.
The first webinar, Healthy sexuality in our congregations will be on April 11.
Kathrine Goerzen and Benjamin Reynolds will lead the discussion focusing on
what role the church can play in fostering and supporting healthy views of
sexuality. May 9’s
webinar will focus on Sexualized violence – how should churches respond?
And then on June 13,
Healthy masculinity. Learn more and register for the webinars at
Contact with questions.
▪ Mennonite Mission Network Prayer
Request: On this
Easter Sunday, meditate on the words of Clarence Jordan,
co-founder of Koinonia Farm in Georgia (a Mennonite Mission Network SOOP
placement): “The good news of the resurrection is not [only] that we shall die
and go home to be with [Jesus], but that he has risen and comes home with us,
bringing all his hungry, naked, thirsty, sick prisoner brothers [and sisters]
with him.”
Area Events
▪ Stewards of the Earth – An Earth Day
Conference – Iowa Wesleyan University invites you to attend the 2018 Manning Lecture and Earth Day
Conference on Sunday, April 22
at 1:20pm in the Chapel Auditorium.
Professor Robert Grant will
deliver the keynote address, “Eco-Librium: A New Stewardship of Creation.” The lecture will be followed by two workshop
sessions including: Composting in your Backyard; Planting for Pollinators;
Recycling for Everyone; the Quilt Game for Climate Change; Organic Farming;
Wind and Solar Energy; Water Quality in Iowa; Stewardship and the Bible;
Reducing Your Ecological Footprint; Aldo Leopold’s Land Ethic, and much
more! Free and open to the public. For more information or
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