The Bearing Fruit
March 19, 2017
Upcoming Events:
Mar 26 – Songs of Justice and Peace, 5pm
Mar 29 – Mennonite Women Quilting, 9:30
April 2 – IMS
Touring Choir, 7pm
April 19 – Church Business Meeting, 7pm
April 22 – Church Spring Cleaning Day, 9am
▪ Needed - Someone to mow the church lawn! We're looking for someone with a lawn mower who might be
interested in keeping the church lawn mowed as needed. It would pay $70 per
time. If interested, contact Mike Bruegge or Tim Widmer.
▪ Reminder - Please remember to close and lock the doors as well as
turn off the lights if you happen to be one of the last people leaving church
on a Sunday morning. All doors should be locked when Centro Cristiano
gets here at 2:30. They have keys!
▪ Mennonite
Women Quilting on Wednesday,
March 29th at 9:30am in the Fellowship Hall, bring a sack lunch.
▪ Songs of Justice, Hope and Peace—On Sunday, March 26 at 5:00 pm, Washington
Mennonite Church will be hosting a hymn sing celebrating and proclaiming the
songs of God’s justice, hope and peace in our Mennonite hymnals. Stay after for
fellowship and a sweet-treat brought to you by the WMC
MYF as they fundraise for convention this summer. Come sing with us!
Crooked Creek Christian
▪ High School Retreat is April 1-2 (11am-12:30pm).
Join us as Kevin Wilder (psychology professor from
Hesston College) leads us in conversation on the topic Body Mind and Soul:
Living and Loving. For more information or to sign up visit and
go to High School Retreat.
▪ Summer Camp Staff: It's
not too early to start thinking about your summer plans. Join the Crooked Creek
staff for a life-changing experience! Applications online NOW.
▪ Summer Camp registration will be open this Wednesday March 15.
Iowa Mennonite
▪ IMS is looking for shuttle drivers. IMS shuttles students from
Iowa City and Washington using school vehicles. We will have openings for both routes
this spring and next fall. Persons interested in providing regular or
supportive roles for our shuttles must have specific transportation
qualifications which IMS will help support a qualified applicant in securing.
Contact IMS at 656-2073 with questions or if interested.
▪ The IMS FFA Farmer Feed is on Friday March 31. Breakfast will be served in the IMS
lunchroom from 7:00-8:00AM.
Cost per person is by donation.
▪ The Culinary Arts Class' IMS
Cooking Creations Restaurant on Wednesday April 5 at
8:30AM still has a few more openings. The menu will include a
breakfast main dish, fruit entrees and pastries. Reservations are required and
can be made by calling the school office 656-2073. Cost per person is $8.
▪ Touring Choir Concerts have started in the local churches. Check out the
full schedule at
Central Plains
▪ Central Plains Mennonite
Conference Prayer Request: Pray for
our conference pastors, chaplains, and spouses who will gather for the Annual
Leaders Retreat in Schuyler, NE today through Tuesday noon. Pray that this will be a time of renewal and mutual
Mennonite Agencies
▪ According to the
United Nations, the world is facing the largest humanitarian crisis since the
second world war.
More than 20 million people across Yemen, Somalia, South Sudan and northeast
Nigeria are facing or are at risk of famine. Mennonite Central Committee (MCC) is working in the area to provide
emergency food assistance and increase its response to the crisis. Because of
serious conflicts and concerns for safe, unimpeded access for humanitarian
assistance, this process is slow and challenging. To donate to MCC’s relief fund, which supports MCC’s response to
this disaster and others, visit, call 1-888-563-4676 or
send a check to MCC, PO Box 500, Akron, PA 17501-0500.
▪ Do you enjoy mentoring young adults and
living in community? Service
Adventure is looking for unit leaders for our Colorado Springs, Colo. and
Jackson, Miss., units. The two year term begins late July. If you or someone
you know is interested, please contact Susan Nisly at
or visit us at
Benefit Concert- Join us Thursday, March 23, 7:00pm to
hear the 50-member Bethel College choir perform at Wellman Mennonite Church. Hosted jointly by
West Union Mennonite and Wellman Mennonite Churches, all proceeds will go
towards the mission work of Mennonite Central Committee. Free admission; an
offering will be collected.
▪ Prayers for Faith and
Learning: Anabaptist Mennonite Biblical
Seminary, Elkhart, Indiana - Pray for high school students who are considering testing
their gifts for ministry and developing their leadership skills this
summer at AMBS through “!Explore: A Theological Program for High School
Youth.” May their pastors, teachers, parents and other trusted adults provide
encouragement and affirmation.
Area Announcements
▪ Parkview Home Potato Bar Fundraiser - Free will Donation. Sunday April 23, 2017 – 11:30 AM TO 1:00 PM – Parkview
Home Lower Level Family Room. Please come join us for food and fellowship
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