The Bearing Fruit
March 12, 2017
▪ Mennonite
Women Quilting on Wednesday,
March 15th at 10:00am in the Fellowship Hall, will include a
potluck lunch at noon.
▪ Songs of Justice, Hope and Peace—On Sunday, March 26 at 5:00
pm, Washington Mennonite Church will be hosting a
hymn sing celebrating and proclaiming the songs of God’s justice, hope and
peace in our Mennonite hymnals. Stay after for fellowship and a sweet-treat
brought to you by the WMC MYF as they fundraise for
convention this summer. Come sing with us!
Crooked Creek
Christian Camp
▪ High School Retreat is April
1-2 (11am-12:30pm). Join us as Kevin Wilder (psychology professor from Hesston College) leads us in
conversation on the topic Body Mind and Soul: Living and Loving. For
more information or to sign up visit and
go to High School Retreat.
▪ Summer Camp Staff: It's
not too early to start thinking about your summer plans. Join the Crooked Creek
staff for a life-changing experience! Applications online NOW.
▪ Summer Camp registration will be open this Wednesday March 15.
Iowa Mennonite
▪ IMS is looking for shuttle drivers. IMS shuttles students from
Iowa City and Washington using school vehicles. We will have openings for both
routes this spring and next fall. Persons interested in providing regular or
supportive roles for our shuttles must have specific transportation
qualifications which IMS will help support a qualified applicant in securing.
Contact IMS at 656-2073 with questions or if interested.
▪ The Culinary Arts Class will be opening the IMS Cooking Creations Restaurant three Wednesday mornings: March 15 and April 5 at
8:30AM. The menu will include a breakfast main dish, fruit
entrees and pastries. Reservations are required and can be made by calling the
school office 656-2073. Cost per meal is $8.
▪ Touring Choir Concerts have started in the local churches. Check out the
full schedule at
▪ Compassion Club Blood Drive March 16 from 6:30-10:30PM.
▪ March 18 Turkey Steak Supper & 'Journeys',
an informal farewell concert by pianist/teacher Susan See featuring short piano
works and stories from her musical journeys over the years. All are welcome.
There will be a freewill offering for the Music Boosters. The concert will
be in Celebration Hall at 7:30PM (after the
Turkey Steak Supper).
▪ IMS needs 4 vans for use during this spring's Interterm. Each van
needs to hold 7 passengers. Additionally the Pine Lake trip is
looking for a small enclosed trailer to be pulled by school owned vehicle.
Please contact IMS at 319-656-2073 if able to help in this valuable learning
Travel Dates:
18-24 -
Pine Lake, Mississippi (approx. 1600 miles)
19-25 -
Jackson, Mississippi (2 vans needed, approx. 1600 miles)
20-25 -
Camp David, Missouri (approx. 800 miles)
Central Plains
▪ Central Plains Mennonite
Conference Prayer Request: Pray for
the Tim, Margie Mejia Caraballo and Sid Burkey who will be gathering for the
Constituency Leaders Council in Elkhart, IN next weekend. Also pray for Dave
Boshart has he leads these meetings.
Mennonite Agencies
▪ Do you enjoy mentoring young adults and
living in community? Service
Adventure is looking for unit leaders for our Colorado Springs, Colo. and
Jackson, Miss., units. The two year term begins late July. If you or someone
you know is interested, please contact Susan Nisly at
or visit us at
Benefit Concert- Join us Thursday, March 23, 7:00pm to
hear the 50-member Bethel College choir perform at Wellman Mennonite Church. Hosted jointly by
West Union Mennonite and Wellman Mennonite Churches, all proceeds will go
towards the mission work of Mennonite Central Committee. Free admission; an
offering will be collected.
▪ Prayers for Faith and
Learning: Bluffton University, Bluffton,
Ohio - Please
pray for the Bluffton University Camerata Singers as they will begin their
bi-state tour on Thursday. They will return to campus for a home concert on
Sunday, March 19, at 7:30 p.m. in Yoder Recital Hall. Pray that those in
attendance of their multiple concerts will hear the message of God through
Area Announcements
▪ Parkview Home Potato Bar Fundraiser - Free will Donation. Sunday April 23, 2017 – 11:30 AM TO 1:00 PM – Parkview
Home Lower Level Family Room. Please come join us for food and fellowship
▪ Join the
Pleasantview dietary team! Providing opportunities for residents...Living life
to the fullest!
Cook FT days and PT evenings. Looking for a caring compassionate person with a special talent and a
love for cooking. Shifts available are 5 am.-3 pm and 1 pm-8:30. Experience is a plus but we’re
willing to train the right person who is hard working and willing to learn.
Full-time position is eligible for health, dental, vision, life and retirement
Also looking for part time evening dietary
help, must work at least 1 to 2 nights a week, every other weekend and every
other holiday. This would be ideal for high school students or others looking
for income or purpose, someone who enjoys working with the elderly. The hours
would be 3:30 pm
to 8:30 pm. Additional daytime hours may be available in the
Pick up an application in our lobby at 811 3rd Street, Kalona, Monday - Friday 8:00 a.m. -4:30 p.m.
or apply online
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