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Friday, January 27, 2017

Newsletter for January 29, 2017

The Bearing Fruit
January 29, 2017

WMC Upcoming Events
Jan 29th
Jan 30th   
Jan 31st
Feb 1st 
Feb 2nd
Feb 3rd
Feb 4th
▪ Centro Cristiano (2:30pm)
Service and Fellowship Evening (5pm, Fellowship Hall)
▪ Ballet Class (3:30pm)

▪ Centro Cristiano (7pm)

Birthday -     
Gatlin Nash
Gay Widmer
Tim Widmer
Birthday -     
Joyce Roth
Karla Friesen

Birthday -     
Mike Bruegge

Future Events
▪ Feb 6-Mar 10 – WMC Responsible for Meals on Wheels
▪ Feb 9     Iowa Women’s Basketball Game (5:00pm, Meet at Church)
▪ Feb 12   Pretzel Making with Martha (5:00pm, Fellowship Hall)
▪ Feb 15   Mennonite Women Monthly Quilting (10:00am, Fellowship Hall)
▪ Feb 18   Saturday Kitchen (UP Church)

Washington Mennonite

▪ Offering for 1/22/17:  $2840 (regular); $250 (HACAP); $22 (Coins for Camp)

Family Photos -- Many of you have already had your picture taken for the bulletin board, if you have not, or if you'd like a picture retake, see Megan or Andrea after church the next few Sundays. We want a picture of EVERYONE for our wall! 

January 29, 2017--5:00pm -- Washington Mennonite Service and Fellowship Evening — Join your church family on January 29 for a night filled with soup, finger foods, service,
and fun! Like last year, we will do a variety of projects together including packing Valentine boxes for our college students, put together MCC kits (list coming soon), knot a comforter or two, and make Valentines!

January 2017 -- College Student Boxes— Let's show our college students that we care! Bring trinkets, cards, non-perishable foods, etc. to send to our college students for Valentine's Day. Items are being collected in the colorful gift bags in the foyer labeled Jacayla, Tanner, and Justin

Beginning in February, the MYF will be providing treats during Fellowship time to raise money for their trip to the Mennonite Youth Convention in Orlando, Florida, this summer. Please give generously. 

Grab your black and gold and get ready for our annual Iowa Women's basketball night, February 9 We'll meet at the church by 5:00, leave shortly after and be at Carver by 6:00

Pretzels!! Do you love Martha’s soft pretzels and always wanted to learn to make them? Come to the church kitchen at 5 p.m., Sun., Feb. 12 and Martha will teach us. Please sign up on the sheet in the foyer so that adequate preparations can be made.

February 25, 2017--9:30am -- Birthday Breakfast Club, January and February Birthdays -- If your birthday falls in January or February, join Amanda at the church to celebrate! Please RSVP by email or by text.

The Elders have begun the process of discerning the future vision for the church and they need your help.  They have asked Andrea Nussbaum, Roger Farmer, and Dick See to meet with congregation members and hear your stories about the things this church has done and is doing well that have built its current strong foundation. We will also ask you to share what we as a congregation, with Amanda's guidance, can do to build on that strength to continue to do God's work in the future.  The process will involve having members attend one of several small group meetings being facilitated by either Andrea, Roger, or Dick.  The information gathered will culminate in a report provided to the Elders for their study and will be used as a basis for outlining a future direction for the church.   See your mailbox to see when your small group is meeting and for more detailed information about this process.  Please see Andrea Nussbaum after church if your assigned date doesn’t work for you!

Crooked Creek Christian Camp

Make a Splash with Coins for Camp throughout the month of January with funds going towards pool upgrades. The first $1,500 is being matched $1 for $1. 

March 10-11 is the spring Craft Retreat! You can sign up online or call the camp office. 

Summer Camp: Make a difference in the lives of youth! Accepting applications now for summer staff counselors! For more information and to fill out the staff application go to

Welcome Center construction: Thank you for your financial contributions that have encouraged this project to continue! This month drywall was completed. Painting finished this past week and we are preparing for the installation of desks and cabinets. Nearly $115,000 remains for the project! Thank you for your support of ministry at Crooked Creek!

Iowa Mennonite School

Chili Supper - IMS seniors are selling tickets for the Chili Supper fundraiser. Get your tickets and plan to join us on February 11.

Singing Valentines - The IMS Chamber Singers will be performing them again this year on Tuesday February 14. They will deliver 2 songs for $35 or several songs for a group for $60. Each Singing Valentine will also include a small (4 piece box) of Kalona Chocolates.

Upcoming Enrollment Events - look for more info in the coming weeks.
February 20 - Visit Day 
February 24 - Middle School Skating Party
March 2 - Prospective Family Night

Central Plains Conference

▪ Central Plains Mennonite Conference Prayer Request: With the St. Paul Hmong Mennonite Church, give thanks for the renewal of Pastor Xeng’s R-1 visa which will allow him to continue leading the congregation for another three years. 

Mennonite Agencies

▪ Mennonite Mission Network (MMN) Prayer Request:  Mary Raber of Mennonite Mission Network requests prayer for pastors who spend time in the militarized zones of eastern Ukraine and for the thousands of displaced people they serve. May God provide for the physical and spiritual resources for those who have suffered so much.

Iowa's annual MDS unit meeting will be on Sunday,  March 5th, at Eicher Emmanuel Mennonite Church in Wayland. Beginning time will be 2:00 PM. See Myron for details and schedule.

Area Announcements

Plan now to enjoy lunch at a NOON fundraising meal provided by members of the Torre Fuerte congregation at First Mennonite Church on Sunday, Jan. 29. Funds raised will help with IMS tuition for students from Torre Fuerte.

You are invited to NOW (Night of Worship) on January 29th at 5:00 pm (NOTE TIME CHANGE). This is a community event that will be geared for families. So bring your friends and your family for worship, cookies and coffee!

Join us at Wellman Mennonite Church on February 4-5 for learning and exploration around what it means to be Christ to people of Islamic faith. With input from Philip Friesen and John Spalding, members of 'The Galilean Fellows', which is a community of scholars in Minneapolis engaging the culture and thought of the contemporary world with Jesus and the Scriptures. For more information see posted fliers or Wellman Mennonite on facebook.

West Union MYF members are selling casseroles to raise funds for our trip to Mennonite Church USA convention this summer. Casseroles may be ordered online at: or by calling the church office 646-6004, starting today through February 5th. They will be available for delivery or pickup on February 19th. Sizes are 9x13 - $15, 8x8 - $10, and 5x5 - $5. Choices are Wet Burritos, Sausage Lasagna, Cheesy Potatoes & Ham. And gluten & dairy free option Shepherd’s Pie (no 5x5) and gluten free Harvest Bake.

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