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Washington, IA 52353

Saturday, January 7, 2017

Bulletin for January 8, 2017

Washington Mennonite Church
January 8, 2016 – 9:30 AM

Epiphany – The Holy Way
Walking in the Way of God’s Heart

We welcome all to this place for the worship of God and for Christian fellowship. 
Let us worship God in spirit and in truth, reaching out to one another in Christ’s love. 
We welcome our guests and visitors and hope you will join us again soon.

Prelude – Christmas Carol
Gathering for the Journey
Responsive Reading
Songs of Worship
Advent Candle Lighting – Come Light of the World – STS 3
Focus Statement
God’s day of radiance is at hand. 
Come, walk in the way of God’s heart.
Encouragement Along the Way
Children’s Story
Old Testament Reading – Isaiah 60:1-6
New Testament Reading – Matthew 2:1-12
Walking in the Way of God’s Heart
Song of Response   
Congregational Prayer
Praise:   In our joy……Thanks be to God.
Concern:   Lord in your mercy……Hear our prayer.
Announcements:   Lord guide us……As we are your hands and feet.
Sending Song
Centro Cristiano Hispanic Worship Service, 2:30 PM
Martha Hernandez, pastor

Worship Leaders:  
Worship Leader:  Cindy Widmer                            Song Leaders:  Mary Lou Farmer
Message:  Amanda Beachy                                     Offertory/Postlude:  Roger Farmer
Children’s Time:  Amy Widmer                             
Upcoming Events:
Jan 8 – MYF, 5pm at Amy’s
Jan 29 – Service and Fellowship Evening, 5pm
Feb 5-Mar 10 – WMC, Meals on Wheels
Feb 18 – Saturday Kitchen, UP Church

Preaching Schedule:
Jan 15 – Amanda

Vision Statement -  As followers of Jesus Christ, we are a community of faith empowered by the Holy Spirit, seeking to love God with all our hearts, minds, souls, and strength, and to love others as ourselves.

Ministers:  All of God’s People
Pastor:  Amanda Beachy, 319.325.4522 (cell),                   
Elders: Jon Widmer 653.4714, Myron Graber 653.1674, Mary Lou Farmer 653.2547
Church Secretary: Andrea Nussbaum 815.404.3363  
Church Office e-mail:
Church Website:

Church Address:  815 E Polk St, Washington, IA 52353  Office Phone: 653

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