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Friday, October 18, 2013

Newsletter for October 20, 2013

Bearing Fruit
October 20, 2013

Our Church

Happy Birthday to:  Shannon Slagel (10/21),
Carl Wulf (10/23)

Offering for 10/13/2013: $2,693.00 (regular)

Next Sunday will be a Conversation Café.  There will be no Sunday School.  The early Anabaptists, our spiritual ancestors, believed that in order to understand the scriptures and God’s leading more correctly, they needed to be discussing, interpreting and discerning together, in groups of committed believers.  Next Sunday, we will carry on that tradition by worshipping around tables and studying the scriptures together as a congregation.  The passage we will study will be 2 Timothy 4:6-8, 16-18.

The Board of Directors of Crowded Closet will be meeting for a planning session in the Fellowship Hall of Washington Mennonite Church from 12 noon to 5 pm on Wed, Oct 23.

“We would like to thank you for helping to build our future home.  We could not do it without all the wonderful volunteers donating their time and energy.  God Bless!  - The Perry Family  (The card is on the table by the mailboxes.)

Crooked Creek Christian Camp

Join us for Women Walking this Tuesday, Oct 22 at 10am.  Meet at the Activity Center.  Bring walking shoes and warm clothes and please RSVP to Angela at ccccprog at or call the office at 319.653.3611.

On Saturday, Nov 9, camp is hosting annual Wood Cutting Day.  Come with chain saws and pickups or to exercise.  Please call ahead to reserve your lunch spot.

On Nov 22-23, camp will be replacing the North side of the Pavilion roof.  4 volunteers needed Nov 22 to prepare the roof for steel sheets.  8 volunteers needed Nov 23 to nail down the steel sheeting.  To volunteer please contact Tim Friesen 319.653.3611.

Central Plains Conference

The Sower Prayer Request:  Pray for Tim Detweiler, David Boshart and Shana Peachey Boshart as they take a retreat day on Tuesday to reflect, pray and plan for the future of our conference.

Mennonite Agencies

Mennonite women, young and old, are invited to the annual Fall Mennonite Women’s meeting where we will celebrate generations of strong Iowa Mennonite women.  From baking pies to making soap to piecing quilts for beauty and for warmth, wise Iowa women have been doing sacred work for generations.  Join us at 1:00pm on Saturday, November 2 at Kalona Mennonite Church to hear stories from our past and learn skills from our grandmothers, mothers and daughters.  We encourage you to invite someone of a different generation to join you in this celebration.  The cost is $20 per person and registration is required.  Check your church mailbox for a copy of the flyer and registration form.

Mennonite Mission Network Prayer Request:   Pray for smooth adjustments and joy as MMN’s Service Adventure unit leaders and participants settle into their new communities in Anchorage, Alaska; Colorado Springs, Colo.; Raleigh, N.C.; Albuquerque, N.M.; Albany6, Ore.; and Johnstown, Pa.

Prayers for faith and learning:  Pray for the new Instituto Biblico Anabautista (IBA) Study Center at Iglesia Menonita Rey de Gloria in Brownsville Texas and the tutor, Lupe Aguilar and also for students from Rios de Agua Viva, Nueva Jerusalem and Gethsemani churches in Matamoros Mexico and their tutor Meiliton Viveros.  Pray that these studies are a personal blessing.  May God’s wisdom and patience be with the respective tuytors as they teach this new group of students.  May this leadership training ministry be a blessing for their congregations and communities.

Area Churches

Social Responsibility & the Crisis of Hunger: Oct 21 7-8:30pm Lang Hall Auditorium, University of Northern Iowa.  Dr. Ronald Sider, Distinguished Professor Emeritus at Palmer Theological Seminary and author of Rich Christians in an Age of Hunger, will address the persistence of hunger in this country and in the world and what can and should be done about it.  Sponsored by the Center for Multicultural Education.  Contact Michael D Blackwell, 319.273.2250, michael.blackwell at  Cedar Falls Mennonite Church will be hosting a reception at 4:30pm, 215 W 9th St.  All are welcome.

Revelation: Through the Eyes of Faith.  Come to Iowa Mennonite School the evenings of Oct 30 and 31 for a bible event hosted by 7 area Mennonite churches!  Nelson Kraybill (former seminary president, current president-elect to Mennonite World Conference, pastor and scholar), will come together with local artist and pastor Martha Yoder to bring new insights to the hope and doom in the book of Revelation by exploring the intersection of art and study.  Contact Nathan.wmchurch at for more info.

Get your feather or foam pillows cleaned, sanitized, deodorized and NEW TICKING on Tuesday, Nov 5th from 8:30am-4:00pm at Kalona Mennonite Church.  Sponsored by the Kalona Mennonite WMSC.

Business Leaders and Pastors: Partners in Leadership and Ministry  As followers of Christ, both business leaders and pastors want to work for God’s purposes in the world.  Yet despite this common desire, business leaders and pastors sometimes encounter barriers to pursuing a shared vision. Join other Christian business leaders and pastors for a conversation at the Parkside Activities Center in Wellman on Saturday, Nov 23, 8:30am-12:30pm, sponsored by the Center for Faith and Business, AMBS, MCUSA, and Mennonite Economic Development Associates.  Early registration deadline is Nov 11.  For more information go to or contct Anna Geyer, David Boshart or Erin Ramer at info at

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