December 25, 2011
9:30 AM
Lighting of the Peace Candle
Call to Worship
Songs of Worship
Children’s Time
Scripture: Isaiah 6:1-8, Luke 24:13-35
Meditation “Important Rhythms at the Heart of
Mennonite Worship”
Song of Response
Commissioning for Gay Widmer, Mike
Bates, and Roger Farmer
People: We commission you in the name of our
Lord Jesus Christ.
As you go, proclaim the good news,
“The Kingdom of God has come near.”
Meet people in the name of Christ,
Work as messengers of God’s power and love
Go, with the blessing of this congregation
To do the work and will of God.
People: May God protect and strengthen you,
And grant you a deep love for those you meet
and serve.
We will be praying for you,
That Christ may be seen through you in word
and deed.
Pastoral Prayer
Sending Song
![]() |
Centro Cristiano Hispanic Worship Service 2:30 PM
Hernandez, pastor

Worship Leaders:
Worship Leader: Sandy Buhrow Meditation: Tim Detweiler
Song Leader: Tim Widmer Pastoral
Prayer/Commissioning: Elders
Children’s Time: Susan See Prelude/Offertory:
Carol Detweiler
As followers of Jesus Christ, we are a community of faith
empowered by the Holy Spirit, seeking
to love God with all our heart, mind, soul,
and strength, and to love others as our self.
We welcome all to this place for the worship of God and for Christian fellowship. Let us worship God in spirit and in truth,
reaching out to one another in Christ’s love.
We welcome our guests and visitors and hope you will join us again soon.
Upcoming Themes
January 29 – The young
adult Sunday School class will lead worship focusing on the theme “How can I
keep from singing?”
Offering for 1/15/12: $2,075
(regular), $20 (Sing the Story)
Preschool – 2-5 years (middle classroom in
Fellowship Hall): Becky Widmer
Grades 3-6 (classroom off kitchen): Karen Bates
All adults are meeting together in the
Fellowship Hall
All of God’s People
Pastors: Grant Nebel Amanda Beachy
319. 256.7252 (home) 319.325.4522 (cell)
319.931.2579 (cell) abeach25 at gmail.com
grant.edie at gmail.com
Elders: Francis Litwiller 656.3426 Becky
Widmer 653.4714 Myron Graber 653.1674
Washington Mennonite Church Announcements
Happy Birthday to: Becky Widmer
(1/25), Craig Hemsath (1/26)
Prayers of Washington Mennonite --
The Watson/
Wiklund family
Susan See
Mike Bates
and Gay Widmer in Haiti
Roger Farmer
in Ecuador
Needs around Washington --
Food Boxes
Grant has taken a leave of absence for the
month of January. Any questions
or concerns should be addressed to Amanda.
Amanda is speaking at Winterfest at Crooked
Creek today, and then travelling to AMBS (Associated Mennonite Biblical
Seminary) for Pastors’ week until Friday.
She will be reading emails and returning calls, but for pressing
matters, please contact one of the elders: Francis Litwiller, Becky Widmer, or
Myron Graber.
Sing the Story songbooks have been purchased for use in our worship.
Contributions are welcome to assist with the cost of this addition to our
worship. Cost is $10/book. Please indicate your donation for songbooks on
your check. Goodies and a free will offering will also provide an
opportunity to contribute to this purchase in the coming weeks.
Contributions are welcome to assist with the cost of this addition to our
worship. Cost is $10/book. Please indicate your donation for songbooks on
your check. Goodies and a free will offering will also provide an
opportunity to contribute to this purchase in the coming weeks.
Church Website:
Don’t forget to check out the
church’s website at
<>. You can view each week’s bulletin as well as
other announcements and pictures of church events.
Bearing Fruit:
The announcements from IMS,
Crooked Creek, Mennonite Agencies, and the Washington area that are usually in
the bulletin are now in your mailbox as part of the new church newsletter,
“Bearing Fruit.”
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