to the World HWB
Call to Worship
Lighting of Advent Candles
Response: Christ has come to make all
things new
Luke 2:1-7
“The Blessing of the Créche” by Sue Monk
us a Child HWB
in the manger HWB
Luke 2:8-14
“Christmas Day in the Morning” by Pearl S Buck
first noel, v 1,2 HWB
we have heard HWB
Luke 2:15-20
“A Young Girl’s Gift” by Elizabeth Starr
virgin Mary HWB
child is this HWB
Pastoral Prayer
Sending Song O
come all ye faithful HWB
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Cristiano Hispanic Worship Service 2:30

Worship Leaders:
Music: Edie
Nebel and Susan See Pastoral Prayer:
Amanda Beachy
Christmas Stories:
Grant Nebel and Amanda Beachy
VISION STATEMENT: As followers of Jesus Christ, we are a
community of faith
empowered by the Holy Spirit, seeking to love God
with all our heart, mind, soul,
strength, and to love others as our self.
We welcome all to this place for the worship of God and for Christian
fellowship. Let us worship God in spirit
and in truth, reaching out to one another in Christ’s love. We welcome our guests and visitors and hope
you will join us again soon.
Upcoming Themes
January 1 – Restart January 8, 15, 22 – Heart of Worship
Offering for 12/18/11: $3,080.00 (regular), $150.00
Sermon Extension (Sanctuary): Sandy
Bible Study: (end classroom of
Fellowship Hall): Barb Ramsey
– 2-5 years (middle classroom in Fellowship Hall): Becky Widmer
3-6 (classroom off kitchen): Karen Bates
Ministers: All of God’s People
Pastors: Grant Nebel: 256.7252 (home) Amanda
319.931.2579 (cell) (cell)
Francis Litwiller 656.3426 Becky Widmer 653.4714 Myron Graber 653.1674
Washington Mennonite Church Announcements
Happy Birthday to: Dale Wacker (12/29), Brynna Hemsath (12/30),
Wacker (12/31)
Happy Anniversary to: Richard & Jo Ann Stout (12/27),
& Liz Widmer (12/28)
Prayers of Washington
Mennonite --
Tina Wiklund
Leroy Reber – light stroke
Edie Nebel
Needs around Washington
On the bulletin board in the foyer is
a list of food items needed for a HACAP food box. If the box is complete it will be given to Washington families in
need. Incomplete boxes need to be marked
so HACAP can complete what is needed.
Would you or your family be willing to work on one or more food boxes
for needy families in Washington?
Please turn in all expenses for Desert Theatre to Mary Lou Farmer before December 31st. Thanks!
Washington Mennonite Church: Words cannot express our
gratitude for the many acts of kindness all of you have shown to us during
these past few difficult weeks. Thanks
so much for your calls, cards, prayers, food, and especially for the beautiful
red poinsettia you sent. A special
thanks to those who volunteered their time and labor during my absence at
dessert theatre. We are so blessed to
have such a wonderful church family.
Karen & Mike Bates & familes.
Meals on Wheels: Washington Mennonite Church is scheduled
to deliver Meals on Wheels from January 2nd to February 3rd. There is a sign-up sheet in the foyer.
Iowa Mennonite School Announcements
IMS is
hosting a chance for 6th-8th grade girls to scrimmage during
halftime of both girls and boys varsity basketball games on Tues, Jan 10th. Interested participants are asked to meet in
the cafeteria (below the gym) in the 2nd quarter of both games to
receive jerseys and divide the teams.
IMS Annual
Chili Supper: Seniors, along
with their parents, will prepare, host, and serve on January 14, 4:30-7:30PM in
the school gymnasium. The meal includes
chili (and chicken noodle soup), cheese salad sandwiches, potato salad,
relishes, and homemade desserts. Ticket
sales will support the senior class.
IMS will host the Hesston College Wind Ensemble on Sunday, January 15 at 2:00 p.m., in a joint concert with IMS'
Symphonic Band. Former IMS music instructor Bradley Kauffman conducts the
ensemble. All are invited to the concert, and also are invited to
consider hosting a student or two that weekend. Please contact the school
(656-2073) for more information or to offer lodging.
Board invites you to join them in prayer for IMS every Wednesday
morning at 7:30 AM. Come to the
conference room at IMS or ask to have the prayer guide emailed to you. Join us either way as we invite God’s
guidance and blessing for IMS each week.
Crooked Creek
Christian Camp Announcements
Jr. High WinterFest Coming Soon If you
are in grades 6-8 and love camp, come join us at Crooked Creek Christian Camp
on January 20-22, 2012 for a weekend of games, food, worship and great
fellowship! Packets with registration information have been sent to your Sunday
school leaders or your JYF leaders. Ask them about registration. If you have
questions, please call the camp at 319-653-3611. Can’t wait to see all of you!
Volleyball Club Dates: If
you are ages 16 and up and love to play volleyball, consider joining us
the 2ndSunday of each month from 4-6pm in the
Activities Center at Crooked Creek Christian Camp (January through May). There
is no fee but donations are appreciated. Dates are as follows: Jan. 8, Feb. 12,
March 11, April 15(3rd Sunday due to Easter), May 13.
Crooked Creek Christian Camp's fall funding drive continues through December. Your
donation will help maintain the Retreat Lodge by providing needed repairs and
equipment upgrades. Please prayerfully consider how you can support the camping
ministry. Contact the camp if you have questions. Thank you.
Mennonite Conference
and Agency Announcements
Mennonite Mission Network Prayer Request: Mennonite Mission Network personnel have committed their lives to
continuing the work of Jesus’ incarnational love in more than 100 locations in
the United States
and around the world. Pray for the Holy
Spirit’s power to enliven these ministries.
The Sower Prayer Request: Pray for Bellwood
Mennonite Church,
Milford, NE. Pastor Dave Miller says, “We would appreciate
prayers in trusting God in finding a youth pastor to minister among us. There is a lot of energy and a good spirit at
Good things are happening.”
The fall 2011 issue of the Church Relations Update for
Bethel College is now available on the Bethel web site at the following address:http://www.bethelks.edu/bc/news_publications/church_relations_update/?urlid=279. It features a review of spiritual life events of
note during this past semester, and a reflection by a student, John Miller. The update will be posted on the bulletin board
in January.
Washington Area Announcements
The Washington Ministerial Association is beginning a soup kitchen for people and families who may need help
with a hot meal during the weekend. This
soup kitchen will be every Saturday from 11-12:30 beginning in January. The pastors are encouraging us to volunteer
one Saturday a month to prepare and serve a meal. Some planning needs to be done by the
Outreach & Service ministry. More
information will be coming later.
Fundraiser Meal: Boniface
Mkini came to Washington as a foreign exchange
student from Tanzania
in 2007. There will be a hot roast beef
plate served at the United Presbyterian Church from 11:30-1:00 on Jan 8th. The meal will be a free-will offering and all
money raised will go into the Boniface Mkini Scholarship Fund.
Hesston College alumni and friends are invited to
performances of the Concert Band and Bel Canto
Singers in Iowa
on Sunday, Jan. 15. Bel Canto will present sacred choral music during the 9:30
a.m. worship service at First Mennonite Church of Iowa City. The Concert Band
will perform a program entitled “Collaborations” with the Iowa
Mennonite School Symphonic Band at 2 p.m. in IMS’s Celebration Hall. The free
concert marks a homecoming for fifth year faculty member Bradley Kauffman, who
began his teaching career at IMS 15 years ago.
A Walk Thru the Bible
Seminar is coming to your community. Lower Deer Creek Mennonite
Church is presenting an
Old Testament seminar on Saturday, January 28, 2012 from 9 A.M. to 4 P.M.
Registration fee is $25 and includes lunch, snacks and materials. More information is on the bulletin board.
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