Re: Jesus' Birth Rejoice
Amid our confusion, God calls us.
We have so many questions and so
few answers.
Yet through our uncertainty you
embrace us;
You draw us close.
May our hearts fill with joy as we enter your mystery.
Amid our desires, God calls us.
We lose ourselves in our wants,
and neglect our needs.
Yet through our yearning you
engage us;
You draw us close.
May our hearts fill with joy as we enter your mystery.
Amid our weakness, God calls us.
We strive for independence and
refuse to hear your voice.
Yet through our foolish pride you
enlighten us;
You draw us close.
May our hearts fill with joy as we enter your mystery.
Lighting of Advent Candles
Songs of Worship Comfort, Comfort, O My People HWB
Longing for Light STJ
NT Reading 1 Thessalonians 5:16-24
Children’s Time
Meditation “At the Brink”
Song of Response O Come, O Come Emmanuel HWB
Pastoral Prayer
Sending Song Joy to
the World HWB
![]() |
Centro Cristiano Hispanic Worship Service 2:30 PM

Worship Leaders:
Prelude/Offertory: Andrea Nussbaum Song Leader: Edie
Worship Leader: Barb Ramsey Meditation: Grant Nebel
Prayer: Amanda Beachy Children’s Time: Tim Widmer
Advent Visuals: Ty Blas
Upcoming Advent Themes
December 18 –
Reorder January
1 – Restart
December 25 – Re-create
We welcome all to this place for the worship of God
and for Christian fellowship. Let us
worship God in spirit and in truth, reaching out to one another in Christ’s
love. We welcome our guests and visitors
and hope you will join us again soon.
VISION STATEMENT: As followers of Jesus Christ, we are a
community of faith
empowered by the Holy Spirit,
seeking to love God with all our heart, mind, soul,
and strength, and to love others as our self.
Offering for 12/4/11:
$3,143 (regular)
Adult Sermon Extension (Sanctuary): Sandy Buhrow
Adult Bible Study:
(end classroom of Fellowship Hall):
Barb Ramsey
Preschool – 2-5 years (middle classroom in Fellowship
Hall): Becky Widmer
Grades 3-6 (classroom off kitchen): Karen Bates
Ministers: All of
God’s People
Pastors: Grant Nebel:
256.7252 (home) Amanda
319.931.2579 (cell) (cell)
grant.edie at gmail.com abeach25 at gmail.com
Elders: Francis Litwiller 656.3426 Becky Widmer 653.4714
Myron Graber 653.1674
Church Secretary:
Martha Graber 653.6393 Church
Office Phone: 653.6041
Church Office e-mail:
wash.mennonite at juno.com
Mennonite Church Announcements
Happy Birthday to:
Mike Slagel (12/14), Barb
Ramsey (12/15)
Happy Anniversary to: Jeff & Karla Garrett (12/11),
Mike & Andrea Leyden (12/17), and Adam & Sarah Miller (12/17)
Prayers of Washington Mennonite—
Boese family
Mennonite Freeman, S Dakota – George O Reily serving as interim
Needs around Washington—
On the
bulletin board in the foyer is a list of food items needed for a HACAP
food box. If the box is complete it will
be given to Washington families in need.
Incomplete boxes need to be marked so HACAP can complete what is needed. Would you or your family be willing to work
on one or more food boxes for needy families in Washington?
The women from the “Thinkers” group are meeting together once a week to pray
especially for Tina Watson Wiklund and would like to invite anyone else to join
us at 1:00 PM on Friday, December 16th at the church.
Meals on Wheels: Washington Mennonite Church is scheduled to
deliver Meals on Wheels from January 2nd to February 3rd. There is a sign-up sheet in the foyer.
Missing Pan:
We are missing a glass Pyrex 9x13 pan.
We have the cover, but not the actual pan. If you find you have an extra glass pan from
the Dessert Theatre, please return to Andrea N or Amanda.
Iowa Mennonite
School Announcements
IMS’s Alumni
Association will host the annual Alumni Night festivities on Friday
December 16th, as the boys’ and girls’ basketball squads will host
Columbus. All attendees above high
school age will be eligible for prizes to be given away at halftime of both
varsity contests. Prizes are compliments
of area businesses.
11, 18, 25 - IMS is looking for
families interested in hosting students from China for the 2012-2013 school
year. This is a great way for your family to get to know another culture
and to practice hospitality. Families will receive a monthly stipend to
cover expenses. For more information, or if you are interested call
the school at 656-2073.
11, 18 - The 3rd annual Alumni
Extravaganza will be held at IMS on Thursday, December 22, beginning
at 4:00 pm. Basketball games will feature students/players from years
gone by, and former pep band members are also invited to participate.
Players should contact Dwight Gingerich at the school; there is a $3.00 fee for
ALL participants, fans and players alike, with proceeds benefitting the IMS
Athletic Department. Dust off the sneakers and join us!
The IMS Board invites
you to join them in prayer for IMS every Wednesday morning at 7:30 AM. Come to the conference room at IMS or ask to
have the prayer guide emailed to you.
Join us either way as we invite God’s guidance and blessing for IMS each
Crook Creek
Christian Camp Announcements
VOLLEYBALL CLUB! Crooked Creek Christian Camp invites you to join us for the
kickoff of our newest program!
Volleyball Club starts Sunday,
December 11, 2011 from 4-6 PM in the Activities Center. If you are ages 16 and up we invite you to
lace up your shoes and bring your spiking skills as we hit the court. Just show up and bring a friend. If you have interest in playing but cannot
attend this kickoff session, please call Angela Widmer at 653.3611 so she can
inform you of upcoming times and dates.
Crooked Creek Christian
Camp's fall funding drive
continues through December. Your donation will help maintain the Retreat Lodge
by providing needed repairs and equipment upgrades. Please prayerfully consider
how you can support the camping ministry. Contact the camp if you have
questions. Thank you.
Conference and Agency Announcements
Devotional Magazine: In your church mailbox today is a complimentary copy of “Purpose,” a monthly devotional magazine
published by the Mennonite Church. Be sure to check the table of contents for a writer from
Washington Mennonite Church!! If you would like to receive “Purpose” on a monthly basis, please call Mennonite
Media at 1-800-245-7894 to subscribe. It’s also a great Christmas gift!
Central Plains Conference: Swan Lake
Young Adult Retreat December 18-20
There is
still time to register for the Young Adult Retreat! Go to www.myslcc.com for registration forms or call the camp at 605-326-5690.
Mennonite Mission Network Prayer Request: Thank God for Mennonite Mission Network’s
SOOP volunteers serving as tutors and maintenance workers at the Navajo
Brethren in Christ Mission in Bloomfield, NM.
Pray that they may be blessed as they bless others through their
Mennonite Mission Network and Mennonite
Partners in China seek a
teacher/administrator for the English-language program of the Nanjing
Theological Seminary, beginning in Fall 2012. A B.A. in English or an
education-related field is required; an MA degree in ESL or education is
preferred. Several years of English-language teaching experience, preferably in
China or a similar overseas location, are required. The candidate should
possess experience in arranging curriculum, testing, lesson planning and preparation
and overall administration of a language teaching program. Some theological
training or a background in theological studies is preferred. Must have genuine
interest in and sensitivity to Chinese students and colleagues. Please
contact Sharon Norton at SharonN@Mennonitemission.net for more information or apply on our
website www.MennoniteMission.net.
Washington Area Announcements
The Washington Ministerial Association is beginning a soup kitchen for people and
families who may need help with a hot meal during the weekend. This soup kitchen will be every Saturday from
11-12:30 beginning in January. The
pastors are encouraging us to volunteer one Saturday a month to prepare and
serve a meal. Some planning needs to be
done by the Outreach & Service ministry.
More information will be coming later.
International Nativity Festival: We
invite you to a display of over 400 Nativity scenes from more than 100
countries. The artists who created them
have interpreted what Christ’s birth meant to them. The event will take place at First Mennonite
Church, 405 Myrtle Ave. in Iowa City.
The dates and times are: Friday,
December 9 from 5-9 PM, Saturday, December 10 from 10 AM-5 PM, Sunday, December
11 from 1:30-5:30 PM. Your friends and
families are welcome at this time of celebration, giving and remembering. A free will donation will be given to LCC
International University in Klaipeda, Lithuania. It is a small private Christian University
with 650 students from 21 mostly Eastern European countries. It provides education within the Christian context
and the framework of servant leadership.
Children’s Choir, a
community choir led by Rhonda Miller, will be giving their Christmas concert at
Kalona Mennonite Church on Sunday, December 11 at 4:00 PM
Chili Supper Benefit for Jim Cavin: Jim has been a custodian at Lincoln Elementary for 34
years. Jim is currently at Mayo Clinic
waiting for a heart & possibly liver transplant. The benefit is on December 20th
from 4-8 PM in the Lincoln Elementary Gym.
A silent auction will be held. If
you would like to make a donation checks can be made to the “Jim Cavin Fund”
and mailed to “Washington State Bank, 121 S Marion, Washington, IA 52353.”
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