Washington Mennonite
▪ Offering for 5/31/2020: Regular Offering: $613.00; My Coins Count: $22.63; Relief Sale 5K Sponsorship: $50.00
▪ Join us for worship on Zoom at 10 a.m. (you will receive an invitation to the meeting by email, just click and join. Any questions? Contact Roger Farmer.
▪ All Washington Mennonites are invited to a drive-through welcome for Nick, Erika, Eli, Luke and Jace this afternoon from 4-6pm in the church parking lot. The family will be on the East side of the church. Drive in the west entrance and circle behind the church. Open your car windows to visit and get to know them a bit. We’d also like to shower them with a tangible love gift. Please bring a gift card to a grocery store or restaurant so that they can use these in the coming days. As you leave by the East side of the church, you will be given refreshments by one of the elders. We can’t have a party without food!
▪ Even though we are unable to meet as a congregation right now, expenses of the church continue. Please send your donations directly to Dick See, 705 Perdock Court, Washington, IA. Thanks for your support.
Crooked Creek Christian Camp
▪ Crooked Creek is excited to announce Social-Distant Camp Getaway! Though we were bummed to cancel our summer camp programming, we're excited to open our campgrounds and cabins to young and old, families and friends who are looking for the camp experience this summer season!
For more information and to register, please visit our website: http://www.crookedcreekcamp.org/ Hurry as space is very limited!
Hillcrest Academy
▪ Commencement Announcement | Due to the lifting of restrictions, Hillcrest Academy has made the decision to hold an in-person, traditional commencement in Celebration Hall on Sun, June 14 at 4:00 PM. More details to come.
▪ Golf Benefit | This year's benefit on Sat, July 18 will obviously be a bit different, but we feel like we can put on an enjoyable and safe event. To register to play or to be a sponsor check out our website.
Central Plains Conference
▪ So many things are different this year—but one thing that’s not different is that YOU are invited to Central Plains Annual Meeting! We’ll be meeting virtually on Saturday, June 20, via Zoom. Find out more information and register on our website www.centralplainsmce.org/annual-meeting-2020
▪ Central Plains Prayer Request: Pray for your sister churches in the Southeastern Iowa Cluster: Washington, Eicher, Wayland, Sugar Creek, Pleasant View, and Zion Mennonite in Donnellson.
▪ Please join MCC on June 16 at 1 p.m. CST/ 12 p.m. MDT, for a webinar: MCC’s migration work in Mexico, Honduras and Guatemala/El Salvador to discuss questions such as: How are MCC workers and partners in Latin America being affected by COVID-19? How are U.S. policies and protocols affecting the spread of the virus among the vulnerable population? How are organizations and faith communities responding? And how can each of us get involved and support their work during this time? Learn how to join this conversation at mcc.org/immigration-webinar-series.
▪ You’re invited to join MCC on June 17th at 6 p.m. CST/ 5 p.m. MDT for a webinar featuring Paul Shetler Fast, MCC's global health coordinator. Learn how COVID-19 is threatening the developing world and how MCC is responding. MCC’s monthly webinar series, featuring a wide variety of stories from MCC projects from around the world, explores how MCC is responding to COVID-19. Experts in the field will give us a behind-the-scenes experience, sharing their own stories. Come with your questions! Register for upcoming webinars and browse through past recordings at mcccanada.ca/mcc-webinar-series.
▪ Consider being an MVS participant for the 2020-2021 MVS year! The application deadline has been extended until the end of July. Visit MennoniteMission.net/MVS to learn more and apply!
▪ Mennonite Mission Network Prayer Request: Mennonite Mission Network requests prayer for Juliet Kilpin and Peaceful Borders, an Anabaptist organization in the United Kingdom that advocates for refugees. Pray for resources for refugee-led support groups (Hopetowns) that bear witness to suffering and injustice and provide the basics: food, water, shelter, and a cellphone charger.
▪ MC USA Announcement: #MennoSnapshots “I’m not sure that I’ve ever felt more on the edge of potential blasphemy!” said Melanie A. Howard, about the weight of responsibility she felt when choosing, translating and adapting biblical texts for Voices Together, the new Mennonite hymnal that will be published this fall. Read more: http://mennoniteusa.org/working-biblical-texts
Area Announcements
▪ Join the safe re-opening of Crowded Closet Thrift Shop! Donate and shop, Mon-Fri, 9:30-2pm. Learn more about summer openings for volunteers and paid staff. Support Mennonite Central Committee at Crowded Closet! Contact Christine Maust Beachy, Volunteer Coordinator, crowdedcloset.volunteer@gmail.com for information.
▪ From the Iowa Mennonite Historical Society: Due to health concerns related to Covid 19 the Mennonite Museum at the Kalona Historical Villager is delaying our 2020 opening until May 1, 2020. Our Spring meeting to hear the Vander Werf immigration story of moving from the Netherlands to Manon, Iowa in World War 2 has been postponed until this Fall.
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