The Bearing Fruit
January 26, 2020
▪ Tonight:
celebrating the "E" of BELLS, an Open House at Unruh's from
5-7p.m. Come and enjoy snacks and fellowship with your church community.
Crooked Creek Christian Camp
▪ Greetings
from Crooked Creek and Happy New Year! Starting in January and from now
on, we are excited to share our news and information with you electronically.
In an attempt to go green, we're excited to use mailchimp as our way of getting
our news to you! We are also going to send out monthly newsletters as opposed
to quarterly. We recognize that not everyone has email and some folks will most
likely miss the in-print copies, however we're happy to print newsletters for
those requesting hard copies.
Link to
January's newsletter:
f2877/2020creekline- news
Hillcrest Academy
▪ 75 Year Anniversary Cookbook | One of the ways we will be celebrating our anniversary is
by publishing a cookbook full of recipes, stories, and photos from the past 75 years of our school. And we need your help to create this book! Please submit
your recipes AND stories to recipes@ by Jan 31 and we will take care of the rest (photos or scans of recipe cards are acceptable). Please send questions to the same email or ask your churches committee rep.
▪ Singing Valentines | The Hillcrest Academy Acapella groups will be performing Singing Valentines
again this year on Fri, Feb 14. Each Singing Valentine will also include a small
(4 piece) box of Kalona Chocolates. The price is $35. The groups are directed
by Mike Wagner. Call the school office (319-656-2073) by Mon, Feb 10 to
▪ The Chili Supper | The annual Chili Supper is hosted by the
senior class and has been a tradition since 1960. The senior class is currently selling tickets and
tickets will also be available at the door. Tickets are $10 adults, $9 seniors
65+, $5 kids 4-12, and free kids 0-3. Plan
to join us on Sat, Feb 15 in Hillcrest Union serving from 4:30-7:00 PM. And in addition to the traditional (and
vegetarian) chili, we will again be serving the Mexican soup, Pozole [po'sole] with all the fixings. Also
like last year, in Celebration Hall we will being doing our modern spin on
the Audubon Society films you may remember from years ago.
Central Plains
▪ The
Christian Formation Committee of Central Plains Mennonite Conference invites
all elementary-aged children to join us for a virtual read-aloud on February 12
at 6:30pm.
Details on
our website.
▪ Central Plains Prayer Request: Pray for the churches in and near the Twin Cities as they prepare to host Annual Meeting 2020 which will take place June 18-21.
Great Winter Warm-up Update! Thank you for your work and
participation in the Great Winter Warm Up at one of the 22 events around the
MCC Central States region! The comforter count right now is a little over 5,500
from across the U.S. and Canada. We are still gathering information from all
the events and will have the official tally by the end of the month. We are so
grateful for your help in reaching our goal to share warmth and love with our
brothers and sisters all around the world! If you are looking for another
opportunity to make comforters for MCC, save the date for the Comforter Blitz
in Yoder, Kansas on March 2, 3, and 4th. More information to come!
▪ Join us
for We’ve Come This Far by Faith, an MCC Centennial Celebration on Saturday, Feb. 29 at 7:30 p.m. at
the Shari Flaming Center for the Arts at Tabor College in Hillsboro, Kansas. We
hope you’ll join us in celebrating the past 100 years and at the same time help
us look forward to the next 100 years of serving in the name of Christ around
the world. More information can be found at and
to learn more about MCC’s centennial, please visit
▪ Join an MCC learning tour to Palestine and Israel, June 4-14, 2020. This deeply impactful and informative trip is open
for 14 people to sign up for. On this trip you will meet Palestinian
Christians, hear from Israelis and Palestinians about their current challenges
and joys and you will deepen your faith and be empowered to engage in education
and advocacy on Palestine and Israel. Visit to find out more and get signed up for the trip.
▪ Mennonite
Mission Network Prayer Request: Mennonite Mission Network requests prayer for Joanne Brandt as she
teaches at Union Biblical Seminary in India this trimester. Pray for wisdom and
grace as she adapts her teaching to a new context and as she builds
relationships with faculty, staff and students.
▪ MC USA Announcement:
first excerpt from Mennonite Church USA Archives' oral history
which features interviews of young people between the ages
of 24-40 within MC USA, is now available. In this excerpt, Dona Park asks,
"How do we bring people who are on the outside inside?" and
challenges leaders to intentionally encourage students from marginalized
communities. Visit: http://
Area Announcements
▪ If you
have a loved one suffering from dementia, consider attending Pleasantview
Home’s Coffee & Conversation for Caregivers of Those with Dementia.
This support group meets in Pleasantview’s Friendship Center on the first
Friday of each month at 10:00 am. The next gathering will be February 7,
with Social Services & Admissions Director Ann Drobot leading the
discussion. Please call 319-656-2421 or email Ann at
for further information.
▪ Have
you ever considered spending more time with our senior citizens? There are
volunteer opportunities at Pleasantview Home, helping with activities,
visiting with residents, and generally making a difference in their lives!
Please call Pleasantview to check it out!’
▪ Staying
in one’s home for as long as possible while navigating the daily challenges of
life can sometimes be difficult for seniors. Pleasantview Home offers Home
& Health assistance that encompass a variety of services, not only for
its residents but for those in the broader community. Please contact Elvesta
Hochstedler at 319-656-2421 or for further
▪ The
Parkview Annual Meeting will be held Monday, January 20, 2020 @
7:00 PM in the Lower Level Family Room. Everyone is welcome to attend!
▪ Bethel
Church is hosting a hands-on, biblically based seminar: "4 Chair
Discipling" presented by Jeff Polen. This seminar focuses on training
ordinary Christians to be faithful in Jesus' charge to make disciples. This
seminar is for all who are, or hope to be, teachers or mentors. Join us on
Saturday, February 1st from 9:00 am - 2:00 pm; lunch is provided. Registration
is required by January 22nd; call 319-256-8531 or email:
Cost is $25 for materials, payable the day of the seminar; doors open at 8:30
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