The Bearing Fruit
December 8, 2019
▪ Offering for 12/1/19 - Regular offering: $1,525.74; Everence
Match: $480.00; MYF Fund donation from
Kiwanis: $100.00
▪ Thank you to the over 20 volunteers from Washington Mennonite who
blessed Crowded Closet on Tuesday night! You brightened the retail floor, decked the halls, and processed
donations to help bring us another step closer to our $1 million dollar year at
the Closet. Thank you for serving Mennonite Central Committee at Crowded
▪ Christmas Caroling: join
us Thursday evening December 19th for our annual Christmas Caroling
foray! Come to the church around 5:00 or 5:30. Bring cookies and fruit to
make plates for those to whom we sing. If you have homes you would like us to
visit please tell Megan or Myron.
▪ Ballet Classes, Christmas Shows – The ballet classes that meet
in the Fellowship Hall are inviting everyone to attend their Christmas Recitals
on December 16th, 17th, and 18th at 3:00pm in
the Fellowship Hall. There will be
refreshments and plenty of seating.
▪ Saturday Kitchen sign-up
sheets for workers and food items are on
the table in the WMC foyer.
We will
be hosting Saturday Kitchen on Saturday December 21st.
Please sign up to join us as we prepare and serve a hot meal at
the Washington United Presbyterian Church. The number of guests we serve
has been high. If you have questions please contact us. - Gloria Widmer, Sue Widmer and Phyllis
Hillcrest Academy
▪ Halftime Basketball Games | 5th-8th grade boys will take the Hillcrest
Union court on Fri, Dec 13 . Sign up online.
Contact Rebecca ( ) with questions.
▪ Hillcrest Academy Christmas Concert | The concert is on
Sunday, December 15 at 3:00 pm in Celebration Hall. Performing groups
are Chorale, Concert Choir, and Symphonic Band. Join us for a concert of varied
repertoire as we prepare for the end of the semester and the coming of
▪ Christmas Party | For 5th-8th graders and their families following
the Christmas Concert on December 15 at 3:00 pm. Y-Co, will host us
for crafts, games and snacks. Come join us for a fun afternoon and get in the
Christmas spirit!
▪ Alumni Night | The annual event will be on Friday, December 20
with games starting at 4:30 pm (Boys JV, Girls V and Boys V). Prizes will be
given away throughout the evening. There will also be alumni and student
activities during the halftime of the varsity games. This will also be your
last chance to buy old IMS uniforms and apparel.
Central Plains
▪ Central Plains Prayer Request: Pray for Eugene Thieszen as he is installed as the Interim Pastor of Pastoral Care and Worship at Bethesda Mennonite Church in Henderson, NE. May his ministry be a blessing to the congregation.
▪ Our
cup runneth over! 2020 is the 100th anniversary of
Mennonite Central Committee! Organized
as a collaboration of Mennonite churches in 1920 to assist Russian Mennonites
caught in the crisis of drought and war, MCC has provided disaster relief,
development and peacebuilding work around the world since those early years.
Join the Iowa Mennonite Relief Sale as we celebrate and give towards
MCC’s cup that truly runneth over! Consider giving $100 for 100
years of Mennonite Central Committee. Donations can be made via PayPal
at or mailed to PO Box 234, Kalona, Iowa
52247. Thank you!
▪ Thinking of pastoral ministry? Be a Service Adventure leader! Live in a unit house
with a small group of youth and offer support as they serve and live in
Christian community. Age: 24+; term: 2 years. For more info, contact
▪ Experience
the town of Jesus, meet its people, learn their language, join and experience local
churches, and explore the rich and varied culture of Israel. Apply to join
the Nazareth Village Youth Venture team at www.Mennonite
Age 18+; term: 2–3 weeks.
▪ All
MCC volunteers and alumni are invited to our annual come-and-go MCC Christmas
Soiree on Thursday, December 12 from 5-7 p.m. at MCC in North Newton (121
E. 30th). We will have food, Christmas cheer and plenty of time for
fellowship. At 6 p.m. we’ll pause for a short program about Christmas around
the world from our International Volunteer Exchange Program (IVEP)
participants. You don’t want to miss this annual event!
▪ Mennonite
Mission Network Prayer Request: David and Sophie Lapp Jost of Mennonite Mission Network have moved from
their ministry in the Middle East to Germany. Pray for them as they engage in
language learning and a cross-cultural transition period. David serves with the
German Mennonite Peace Committee and Sophie’s work is with the Bammental
Mennonite community.
▪ MC USA Announcement: #BringThePeace A group from
Mennonite Church USA traveled to Tucson, Arizona in October to visit and learn
from organizations that serve migrants at the United States-Mexico border
state. Read reflections from their trip in a series of blogs at:
Area Announcements
▪ ONE Youth Event | ALL
6-12th graders are invited to “ONE” a community youth event which will be held
at Hillcrest Academy, Dec 8 from 6–7:30 PM. It will be a time to build
relationships, worship, and have fun together! Contact Samantha (
for details.
▪ Farmer
Lunch Fundraiser for Randy and Paula Yoder: You are invited to share in a fund raising
lunch on Dec 12, 11:30 - 1:00 pm at the Terry and Deb Erb farm (east
warehouse building). Meal will be catered by Janet Stutzman and includes
pork burgers, potatoes, beans, fruit salad, bars. All are welcome and
invited to attend – come as you are, boots and work clothes – accepted!
And you don’t have to be a farmer!
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