The Bearing Fruit
October 20, 2019
▪ Offering for 10/13/19 - Regular offering: $6,768.00; Voices
Together Hymnal Fund: $550.05; HACAP: $250.00
▪ Because the pastoral search of Washington MC will
likely continue for a number of additional months, former pastor Amanda
Bleichty has been invited by the elders to again attend the congregation as a
member without leadership responsibilities. Pam Gerig Unruh will continue
as interim pastor. If you have questions, contact one of the elders: Gay
Widmer, Mary Lou Farmer, Carol Detweiler
▪ We sing the mighty power of God! A huge thanks to everyone who helped in any way towards
realizing our goal of $2,096.74 for the Voices Together Hymnals. After the
donations last Sunday, we have a total of $2,115.01 which will pay for the
hymnal collection and help to pay shipping and handling costs. We were able to
get the pre-sale pricing (10% off) which was available on the first 10,000
pew editions sold. The hymnals will be available in the fall of 2020.
Make sure you come to Fellowship Hall on Sunday, November 10
after the worship service to help us celebrate with Martha Graber's homemade
pretzels and warm cheese dip!
▪ Washington Mennonite Church has received a letter
inviting interested persons to help in a “Washington Against Hunger”
event on November 24, 2019. If you are interested in participating, see
the information on the bulletin board.
Crooked Creek Christian Camp
Upcoming programs and events at Crooked Creek:
Nov. 12 Annual Meeting
Nov. 15-16 Craft Retreat* from 9am-9pm
Nov. 16 Wood Cutting Day starting at 8:00
Jan. 3-5 Winterfest* for grades 6th-8th
Nov. 12 Annual Meeting
Nov. 15-16 Craft Retreat* from 9am-9pm
Nov. 16 Wood Cutting Day starting at 8:00
Jan. 3-5 Winterfest* for grades 6th-8th
sign-up or register online prior to event
Hillcrest Academy
▪ Harvest Party | Our FFA will be
hosting a Harvest Party for 5th-8th graders on Saturday, October 26 from
5:30-8:00 pm. Come enjoy games, a bonfire, s'mores and other goodies. Plan to
be outdoors so dress accordingly. And if it's a clear night, we'll bring out
the telescopes for planet & stargazing. See website to RSVP to the party! For questions, please contact Rebecca at (319)
656-2073 x20 or (319) 631-2461.
▪ Beauty and the Beast | The musical will be presented Sat, Nov 9
at 7:00 pm and Sun, Nov 10 at 3:00 pm. Reserved tickets are
Adults/$9, Students/$5 and can be purchased by calling the school office
(656-2073). The reserved seating charts can be seen here: .
General admission tickets may also be purchased at the door for an
addition $1/ticket.
Central Plains
▪ The Northern Cheyenne Ministerial Assn is planning a dedication
celebration for their new Thrift Store building, Sunday afternoon, Nov 17 at 3
pm. It will be held at the new Everything Beautiful Thrift Store in Lame
Deer, MT. Anyone is welcome. RSVP to Willis Busenitz - Email: wnbus; Phone: 406-592-3643; Mail: PO Box 50 Busby, MT 59016.
▪ Youth and children’s Sunday School teachers, mark
your calendars for Tuesday, October 29 and Thursday, November 21 for
two webinars about the Mennonite children’s curriculum, Shine. For
more information or to register see or contact Amanda Bleichty at (319) 325-4522.
▪ Central Plains Prayer Request: Pray for the Annual Meeting Task group as they meet in Des Moines, IA on the 22nd to plan Annual Meeting 2020. May the planning (and the event) be Spirit-led.
▪ The Mennonite
Disaster Service Region 3 Annual Meeting will be held on Nov
8 & 9, 2019 at Faith Mennonite Church, Minneapolis, MN. An
invitation with details and registration is available in the church office.
This information can be found on this web site:
▪ Mennonite
Mission Network Prayer Request: Mennonite Mission Network is grateful to Eric and Kelly Frey Martin who
have worked as Colombia Mennonite Church youth leaders for nearly three years.
Pray for a smooth transition back to the United States for Eric and Kelly, and
confidence for the youth leaders as they take on more responsibilities.
▪ MC USA Announcement: #BringThePeace Find out
how peace is at work in New York City in this video highlight of the youth urban gardening program affiliated
with Manhattan Mennonite Fellowship: ing-garden-brooklyn-youth
Pleasantview Home
The Pleasantview board, along with management, continues to raise funds to
support the renovation and construction project. This project will create
assisted living apartments and a new memory care unit, both of which are sorely
needed to better serve our community members. As we work to raise the $5+
million needed for the project, we have discussed many avenues to achieve our
goal. This includes the potential monies that are available through the
Washington County Riverboat Foundation. While there has been
support from some community members for Pleasantview to apply for and accept these funds, the board has made a decision to NOT
do so at this time. We were founded and exist today because of the support of
the community, particularly those that are members of the many churches in the
area. We believe, out of respect for our history and the support of these
congregations, that the best decision for PV is to continue pursuit of generous
contributions from businesses and individuals from the community. We
welcome continued dialogue with you and others from the community about this
project, the capital campaign and the issues related to taking casino funds.
Remember the Pleasantview Benefit Sale November 1 beginning at 4 pm and
morning of November 2 at Hillcrest Academy. Silent auction, live
auction, bake sale, turkey tenderloin supper, pancake and sausage breakfast,
musical entertainment by Great Bluegrass Herons. Non-perishable auction
items need to be collected by October 25th. Call 656-2421 for
more info and check website at to view
auction items collected so far. Bakers are also needed for the bake sale at the
event! White bread, wheat bread, cinnamon rolls, pies, cookies, party
mix, etc. packaged to sell. Please label items with ingredients so people
are alerted to possible allergies. Please bring items to the Hillcrest
Academy gym after 1:00 on Friday or by 8:00 Saturday morning.
The Pleasantview Board of Directors is pleased to announce the hiring of Jeffrey
Schmidt as the new Executive Director. Jeffrey will begin his tenure
at Pleasantview on Monday, October 21. Jeffrey brings experience in
senior living, serving in various capacities in nursing homes and retirement
communities in Iowa. He looks forward to working with residents, staff,
and the broader community to build upon the tradition and strengths of
Area Announcements
▪ Sunday, October
27th at noon, we will have a haystack fundraising meal for Louis Etienne
at West Union Mennonite Church. Louis graduated from IMS last year and is
attending Bethel College in Kansas. He plays on the soccer team and is doing
well in his classes. We are hoping to provide support to cover the gap between
financial aid, his contributions from work, and the costs of college. Thank you
in advance for your support.
▪ Get
your feather or foam pillows cleaned, sanitized, deodorized & NEW TICKING
on Tuesday, November 5 at 8:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. At Kalona Mennonite Church, 902 6th
Sponsored by Kalona Mennonite WMSC
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