The Bearing Fruit
September 29, 2019
▪ Offering for 9/15/19 - Regular offering: $1,330.00
▪ Offering for 9/22/19 - Regular offering: $400; Camp: $350
▪ Saturday Kitchen meal will be prepared and served by WMC on Saturday October 12th.
The sign-up sheets for workers, food and money donations are on the table in
the church foyer. We still need many workers and food donations. We
always have a great time working together. If you have never helped
before please make this time a first. If you usually help but have not signed
up yet please sign today. If you have questions please contact Gloria Widmer
or Phyllis Litwiller
Crooked Creek Christian Camp
▪ Please join us for Senior Day (age does NOT Matter) as we welcome S. Roy Kaufman of Freeman, South
Dakota on Oct. 17 at 9:30. Cost is free-will donation but please
register online or call the office so we have an accurate number for
lunch. We're excited to see you there!
▪ If you
enjoy providing generous hospitality through cooking, we have an exciting
opportunity for you at Crooked Creek! Applications
are being taken for position of Food
Service Manager at Crooked Creek Christian Camp. Submit
cover letter, and resume to Heather Bender For
more info go to
Hillcrest Academy
▪ Homecoming & Alumni Family Weekend | Join us on
campus Oct 4-5. Friday
night at 5:30 pm come out to Hillcrest Union for the alumni
volleyball game followed by the alumni soccer game on
the soccer field at 7:00 pm. Saturday morning run or walk in the Joetown Classic 5K (kids
race starts at 9:30 am, followed by the 5K at 10:00 AM). Then be sure and stick
around for the Hillcrest Tailgate (KCII's Big Red
Radio, concessions, Spikeball, and a super-fun 36' long inflatable). Later
that evening return to Hillcrest Union for the annual Pork Supper hosted
by the Junior Class. The meal will be served from 4:30-7:00 pm and will be
followed by a Community Hymn Sing in Celebration Hall.
▪ Joetown Classic | The annual 5K run/walk will again be part of
Homecoming Weekend on Sat, Oct 5. Register now online at or
at iowamenn . And join us
and the runners as we celebrate the 10 year anniversary of our boys XC State
▪ Annual Pork Supper | On Sat, Oct 5 serving from 4:30-7:00 pm. Tickets can
be purchased from any junior Hillcrest student or at the door; Adults $10,
Seniors 65+ $9, Children age 4-12 $5, age 3 and under free. The meal
consists of pork, baked potato, salad and dessert. Help support our junior students
and our school at this traditional meal!
▪ Beauty and the Beast | The musical will be presented Sat, Nov 9 at 7:00
pm and Sun, Nov 10 at 3:00 pm. Reserved tickets are Adults $9, Students $5
and can be purchased by calling the school office (656-2073). The reserved
seating charts can be seen here: . General admission
tickets may
also be purchased at the door for an addition $1/ticket.
Central Plains
▪ The Heartland Disaster Recovery Group is hosting a volunteer workday
on Saturday, October 19 to help individuals in the communities of Wood River
and Dannebrog work on flood recovery projects. Projects range from skilled to grunt
work. If you are interested in volunteering some time to help your neighbors
please contact Elizabeth Troyer-Miller at
or cell: 574-304-6548 to learn more. *If you are in need of assistance, you can
reach out to Elizabeth as well.
▪ Looking for a unique way to be a mentor to young adults? Service
Adventure is seeking leaders for unit locations across the U.S.! This is an opportunity for
individuals or couples 24 and up to foster community with a household of young
adults and serve in a non-traditional pastoral role through faith formation,
daily living, and house activities. For more information, contact Susan Nisly
at Mennonite Mission Network:
▪ Central Plains Prayer Request: Pray for our sister churches in Minnesota and Wisconsin: Bethel, Emmanuel, Faith, First-Mountain Lake, Lao Fellowship, Rochester, Saint Paul Hmong Mennonite, Third Way and affiliated groups Fargo-Moorhead Faith Mennonite Fellowship and The Mennonite Worker in Minnesota, and Shalom in Wisconsin.
▪ Join the excitement of the 7th annual
Upcycle Contest at Crowded Closet Thrift Shop. Entry deadline is 5pm on October 7th.
Take a Crowded Closet find, and turn it into a treasure! Visit for
contest details.
▪ Join MCC for a South Texas Borderlands
learning tour, November 3-8. This learning tour will be packed with
opportunities for learning about immigration. From talking with MCC partners
who work in legal representation, to those that do water drops, to providing
shelter to those recently released. You will also connect with people who have
lived the immigrant experience, visit Mennonite churches on the border, hear
perspectives from south of the border, and visit a detention center. You will
have a first-hand learning experience on the impact of policy and see the hope
of incredible people working to extend God’s love and compassion for all. The cost
for the trip is $700, plus airfare. Please contact
or Jordan for more information.
▪ Mennonite
Mission Network Prayer Request: Pray for the ministry of Mennonite Mission Network’s newly launched
Sent Network that equips peace church planters to be mission workers in the
context of the United States.
▪ MC USA Announcement: #BringthePeace
"Every day I awake, I know, without a doubt, there is something for me to
learn and something for me to do centered on bringing the peace of God." Read
reflections from Greg Battle on the Menno Snapshots blog about learning to
bring the peace:
Area Announcements
▪ The
Pleasantview Benefit Sale is fast approaching (Nov. 1 and 2), and we are
asking for your involvement! Please consider volunteering to help serve the
evening meal on Friday the 1st, either from 3:45-5:45 or 5:45-7:45.
To offer your services, please contact Becky Yoder at 319-963-0777, or email
her at Thank you!
▪ Kalona
MOPS Haystack Fundraiser Meal: Sunday, October 13th,
serving from 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM at Upper Deer Creek Church. Free will
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