The Bearing Fruit
August 4, 2019
Upcoming Events:
8 – Elders meeting, 5pm
13 – Church Council, 5pm
17 – Saturday Kitchen, UP
▪ Offering for 7/28/19 - Regular offering: $1,045.65
▪ Thank you for your strong, generous giving in July. Because of good offerings and
reduced expenses, our annual blueprint balance gained last month. Your
continued support is appreciated as we end our fiscal year at the end of
August. If you have items for which you need reimbursement, please submit
those to Mary Lou by the middle of August. Thank you!
▪ Saturday Kitchen will be hosted by Washington Mennonite Church on
Saturday August 17th, 2019 at
the United Presbyterian Church here in Washington. Sign-up sheets for
workers and donated food items will be on the foyer table next to the church
mailboxes on Sunday August 4th. Knowing that August is a busy vacation
month for many of us we have tried to make the menu and volunteer list
shorter. Please check the sign-up sheets and join us if you would
like to help as we prepare and serve a hot meal to those who look forward
to Saturday Kitchen, the hot meal and eating around a table with others.
If you have questions call either Phyllis Litwiller or Gloria Widmer.
▪ TURNING SNACKS INTO HYMNALS - Mark your calendars! August
25th is the next time we will have snacks after church during fellowship
time with donations going toward the new hymnals. The sooner we raise the
necessary funds, the better our chance of getting the 10% discount which will
apply to the first 10,000 hymnals sold in the U.S.A. and Canada churches.
Believe us when we say that other churches are also fundraising with this
in mind, so there is some urgency. The snacks on August 25 will be...WAIT
FOR IT....homemade cinnamon rolls made by Martha
Graber. Homemade cinnamon rolls...a possible 10% discount! What's
not to like? If anyone wants to buy hymnals with a bookplate in the cover designating
a memorial or honoring a relative or friend, please let Susan See or Amy Widmer
know. We can do that!
▪ School Kits!! It’s that
time again when we collect school kits for MCC to distribute. Bags are on the
table in the foyer with a list of contents included in each bag. Also on the
table are pencil sharpeners (which are provided for you) for each bag. Please
take what you need for your bags. Immigration Detainee Kits are also
being collected by MCC for distribution in Texas. If you want to make one, take
a list of items from the table in the foyer. Return all completed kits (school
and immigration detainee) to the church by August 18, 2019. Thanks for your
generous gifts.
Crooked Creek Christian Camp
▪ Thank you to several Sunday School classes and individuals for helping
make our summer 2019 camping season a success. We're grateful for the many
volunteer hours in the kitchen, donated items such as candles, cereal, s'more
materials, meat, fruit snacks and more! We're privileged to be part of a giving
community and are blessed by all the love, support and prayers given during
Iowa Mennonite School
▪ Change
Creates Opportunity at IMS | After an 18 month process the time
finally arrived for IMS to re-introduce themselves to the community as
Hillcrest Academy. The operating board and administrative team held an open
house on Tuesday, July 30 in Celebration Hall. Many members of the community
gathered informally to get a first look at the school's new name, logos, and
new Ravens mascot. We are excited about our rebranding laying the foundation
for a bright future and as we
transition we as for your prayers and also your grace.
▪ Everence
will host its popular workshop, Make Medicare an Easy Step, on Monday, Aug.
5, at 6:30 p.m. Attendees will learn about the various Medicare plans and
what they cover, plans that supplement Medicare, and enrollment details and
deadlines. The workshop will be presented by Everence staff at Kalona Public
Library, Velma Skola Room, 510 C Ave. The workshop is free, but space is
limited! Reserve your spot by Aug. 2. Contact Joyce Garvin at 877-656-4242 or
▪ Mennonite
Mission Network Prayer Request: Marisa Smucker, who has been working for Mennonite Mission Network's
Church Relations team, began serving as the Mennonite Voluntary Service program
director in June. Pray that God will provide wisdom, energy and joy for Marisa
as she serves in this capacity.
▪ MC USA Announcement: At MennoCon19, delegates approved the addition of youth
delegates and passed the Churchwide Statement on the Abuse of Child
Migrants resolution. Catch up on our compiled MennoCon19 news,
photos and highlights at
Area Announcements
▪ Crowded
Closet Thrift Shop continues record setting sales at our new location! Join
us in purposeful service at the Closet to support Mennonite Central Committee.
Current volunteer openings include: Book team, Cashiers, Specialties Apprentice
with antiques and collectibles, Furniture pricing, Retail Assistant &
Greeter. Contact Christine Maust Beachy, Volunteer Coordinator,
319-337-5924 or .
▪ You are invited
to an open house for Rudi Mucaj from 2 – 4 on
Sunday, today at Kalona Mennonite Church. You may remember Rudi
from his IMS days as a foreign exchange student from Albania. With your
help Rudi graduated from Goshen College this past Spring. We want to
celebrate his accomplishments and thank you for your support of prayers,
thoughts, letters and money. This generous support is your gift.
Join us for light refreshments and find out what is next for Rudi. –
Kalona Mennonite Church
▪ Burrito & Taco Bar: A fundraiser meal for Retrograde Ministries will be served at
Upper Deer Creek Church on Sunday, August 11, from 11:30am - 1:00pm.
Come enjoy some great food and support this local ministry that offers hope to
those struggling with addictions. Cost is on a donation basis.
▪ All are invited to join us at Kalona Mennonite Church on August 11th at noon for a donation lunch provided
by Malitza Jimenez. All proceeds will go towards supporting Eastern
Mennonite Missions by allowing KMC youth an opportunity to join and assist an
EMM missionary in his ministry in Lebanan, PA for a week.
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