The Bearing Fruit
June 9, 2019
Upcoming Events:
9 – Sunday Potluck
19 – Monthly Quilting, 10am
22 – Saturday Kitchen, UP Church
20-23 –CPMC Annual Meeting, Kalona
2-7 – MC USA Convention, Kansas City
▪ Offering for 6/2/19 - Regular offering: $4,209.74; Voices Together (Hymnal) Fund: $176.35
▪ Financial Update: May's offerings were several hundred
dollars more than expenses so we gained slightly in our annual blueprint. To
meet our annual blueprint donation goal, offerings need to total $41,766 this
summer. Can we do it? With your continued strong giving we will be able to meet
all our expenses this fiscal year which ends on August 31. Thank you for
your generous gifts. If you have questions see Mary Lou Farmer, treasurer.
▪ Saturday Kitchen will be
hosted by Washington Mennonite Church on Saturday June 22nd, 2019 at the United Presbyterian Church in
Washington. Sigh-up sheets are on the table in the foyer for workers and
also for donated food items. Please join us as we work together to
provide a hot noon meal for those in the Washington area needing food and for
those coming to enjoy a meal and the fellowship of others around a table.
If you have questions or comments please talk to Gloria Widmer or
Phyllis Litwiller
Iowa MCC Relief Sale
▪ The executive board of the 40th annual
Iowa Mennonite Relief Sale want to give thanks to ALL those who volunteered, quilted, baked items, served food, made
crafts, drove tractors, bought goods, bid on auction items and ate food.
This year, all proceeds from the sale will go to Mennonite Central Committee -
thank you to those who donated ahead of time so this can be a reality. We are
looking forward to celebrating 100 years of MCC at the Iowa Mennonite Relief
Sale in 2020!
Crooked Creek
Christian Camp
▪ We are seeking a volunteer nurse to serve
as camp nurse for
6th-7th grade camp, June 30th - July 5th. Lodging, food, and FUN provided.
Contact Heather at heather@crooked
if you are interested.
▪ The Annual IMS Golf Tournament | On Saturday, June
15 IMS will host their golf tournament benefiting the Annual Fund at the
Kalona Golf Club. Your entry fee gets you 18 holes of
golf, player prizes, and a delicious lunch by Melitza Jimenez. This is a
fun and active way for those who love golf and love IMS to support their
school. Register to play at or contact Jeremy Ours at 319-656-2073 x13 or
▪ Save Room For Pie |
IMS is hosting another Into The Black fundraising event
on June 28 in Celebration
Hall. Save Room For Pie is an evening featuring a performance
by The Walking Roots Band, a
silent auction of meals, and (of course) pie and ice cream. The silent auction
and pie eating fellowship begin at 6:00 PM followed by the free concert at 7:00
PM. There will be a offering during the concert with the goal of raising
$75,000 in one night! You won't want to miss this important event to help
IMS get 'into the black' at the end of the year.
Central Plains
▪ You
are invited to a special evening meal as part of the Central Plains Annual
Meeting being held in Kalona this year. On Saturday, June 22, annual meeting attendees and
local folks are invited to Geyer’s Pizza
Oven for an evening of brick oven pizzas, live music and fellowship. Pizza
will be served from 5:30-7:30. If you’d like to attend, please email Monica
Clem at with your reservation, and be
prepared to pay $15 at the door. Please RSVP by June 19. If you have already
registered for annual meeting, your RSVP has been received and the cost for
your meal is included in your registration fee. Please plan to bring blankets
and lawn chairs. We hope to see you there.
not too late! You
can still register online or by mail for Central Plains Annual Meeting, June
20-23 in Kalona, Iowa. Hear speaker Cheryl Bridges Johns, visit with your
conference sisters and brothers, and celebrate with us the many staff
transitions happening this year. Find registration information in your church
office and at
▪ Central Plains
Mennonite Conference Prayer Request:
Pray for the congregations hosting
Vacation Bible School this summer. Pray that God would multiply our efforts to
share the good news about the way of Jesus with children and families in our
▪ Mennonite Central Committee Central States is hiring for a Young Adult
Program Coordinator. This position is available starting on
August 5 within the 16-state Central States region. The Young Adult Program
Coordinator coordinates and recruits for MCC Central States’ young adult
programs, including the International Volunteer Exchange Program (IVEP), Summer
Service Worker (SSW) program, the Serving and Learning Together (SALT) program,
and Seed. This position connects with Central States' young adult alumni,
especially using social media, and creates opportunities for young adults from
the Central States region to serve and develop leadership skills. The full
job description is available at . Please contact Heidi Huber at for more
information. Application close date: July 5, 2019
▪ Mennonite
Mission Network Prayer Request: On Tuesday, seven participants in Mennonite Mission Network’s Youth
Venture program will depart for Japan with leaders Del and Michele Hershberger
for three weeks of learning and service. Pray for them as they work alongside
Akiko Aratani and Ray Epp at Menno Village, an agricultural initiative of the
Hokkaido Mennonite churches.
▪ MC USA Announcement: Step
Up, a program that invites youth to be part of the Delegate Assembly, is
especially important at MennoCon19 because a vote could
make youth full delegates. Meet some of the youth who have participated in Step
Area Announcements
▪ Ukraine
Fundraiser Meal at UDC: Belgian Waffles with All the Trimmings will be
on the menu at Upper Deer Creek Church on Sunday June 23, serving from 11:30am -1:00pm. A Team of Six adults will be
Teaching English/Sharing Christ in Odessa, Ukraine July 13-26, alongside
International Messengers, a mission agency that conducts and facilitates
English Camps throughout the world. Cost is on a donation basis.
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