The Bearing Fruit
December 9, 2018
▪ Offering for 12/2/18 - Regular offering: $1989.00;
HACAP: $200; Family Assistance Fund:
▪ Financial update: Donations during November allowed the
church to pay all the bills and gain a bit bringing our balance up to $5294.02.
Thanks to your continued strong giving, we can continue to meet our financial
obligations! If you have questions, contact Mary Lou.
Crooked Creek Christian Camp
▪ Let Crooked Creek do your Christmas
baking! Cinnamon rolls, Almond raspberry
rolls or Cookies by the dozen
(chocolate chunk, frosted sugar, peanut butter blossoms, snowballs, and
almond chocolate chip). Order by Tuesday for Friday pickup. For pricing or more info check online or
contact brenda
Iowa Mennonite School
▪ TODAY | The Hope For All Seasons Tour featuring Citizen
Way and Chris August will make a stop at IMS today at 6:30PM in
Celebration Hall. Don't worry, if you haven't purchased tickets, they will be
available at the door. We hope you can join us and feel free to spread the
▪ IMS Christmas Concert | Sunday, December 16 at
3:00PM in Celebration Hall. Performing groups are 2nd Quarter Intro to Music,
Chorale, Concert Choir, Symphonic Band, and our two new acapella choirs! Join
us for a concert of varied repertoire as we prepare for the end of the semester
and the coming of Christmas.
▪ Prospective Family Christmas Party | December 16 following the 3:00 PM Christmas Concert. Y-Co, our
student government, will host crafts, games, and snacks. Come join us for a fun
afternoon and get in the Christmas spirit! All families with students in grades
6-8 are invited.
▪ Alumni Night | The annual event
will be on Tuesday, December 18 with games starting in Hillcrest Union at
4:30PM (JVB, VG, VB). Prizes will be given away throughout the evening. There
will also be alumni and
student activities during the halftimes of the varsity games as well as
an alumni reception
following the last game.
▪ First Look Friday | We are setting aside the first Friday of
each month for drop-in tours to parents and/or students who want to see what
IMS has to offer in a more casual way than our Visit Days. The next one happens
on January 4. Candi Schmieder will be available in the front office from
8:00AM-4:00PM for anyone who wants to drop by, get a tour and talk about your
expectations for a high school education for your son or daughter.
▪ Unique Christmas Gifts | The IMS Entrepreneurship class has created a small Christmas gift
business as part of our final class project. Until December 21 we will be
selling vintage spoon jewelry that we have made. These earrings make great
Christmas gifts! See the attached flyer/order form or contact
with questions or to place an order.
Mennonite Agencies
▪ Looking for that next great adventure? MCC
SALT positions now available! Take chances. Make
mistakes. Get messy. Be challenged. Learn some things. Teach some things.
Spend a year living somewhere that you never dreamed you'd go... Serving
and Learning Together (SALT) is a year-long, cross-cultural service experience.
Through SALT, Christian young adults from Canada and the U.S. serve
internationally in a wide variety of positions in fields like
education, agriculture, health care, information technology, peace and
more! Start now at,
to find answers to frequently asked questions, assignment
options and to apply, don’t delay the deadline to sign up is Feb. 15!
▪ This Christmas, consider giving alternative
gifts through Mennonite Central Committee! With 25
ways to give, you can find something for everyone in your family! Give
chickens, provide hope, education, tools and new skills to help build up
communities. These are gifts that easily fit under the tree and can fit within
any budget, but have the power to bring joy for years to come! Visit or call our office for
details, 316.283.2720.
▪ Mennonite Mission
Network Prayer Request: Mennonite
Mission Network’s Service Adventure unit in Jackson, Mississippi, includes Gabe
Graham, Alexa Rathscheck, Jakob Seiferth, and leaders Cynthia and Roger Neufeld
Smith. Pray for them as they worship with the Open Door Mennonite congregation,
and as they volunteer with a community soup kitchen and a transition home.
Area Announcements
▪ We are overwhelmed by the outpouring of
love, support, and generosity that was shown to us at Ollie’s benefit. Words cannot express how
grateful we are to have grown up and now live in such supportive communities.
We thank God for each one of you and the gift that you are to our family. ~Conrad, Kalen & Ollie Yutzy
▪ Crowded
Closet Thrift Shop is on the move! Join the excitement by touring the new shop to view progress. Visitors
are welcome to the new shop site on Tuesday, December 4 at 3:30pm. New shop is
located at 851 Hwy 6 in Iowa City. Enter through the customer
entrance. Email crowded and request to receive
weekly updates to stay informed.
▪ You
and yours are invited to a Christmas NOW (Night Of Worship)
on December 16th at 5:30 PM at
LDC! We will be worshipping to old and new Christmas songs, celebrating
the birth of Jesus, what he did for us on the cross, and the victory that we
now have through Him. Treats & fellowship to follow! Everyone is
▪ Have you wondered where you fit in God's story? Or what in the world
God is up to? The Perspectives
of the World Christian Movement course is coming to Kalona for the
first time! Beginning January 15,
2019, we will spend time with different instructors each week as we look at
God's redemptive plans and purposes for all people. We will see how Scripture,
history, culture, and strategy come together to reveal the whole story and
our role in it. Early registration deadline is December 16th. Family and
book discounts are also available, along with credit information at For questions
contact Karla Neuschwander, or
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