The Bearing Fruit
October 21, 2018
▪ Offering for 10/14/18 -Regular offering:$1821; HACAP:$200
▪ Please be
patient with all the volunteers involved in worship as we adjust to the
different acoustics in the sanctuary. Efforts are being made to assure
that worship can be meaningful to everyone.
▪ Dinner
theatre is fast approaching. The church refrigerators will be utilized to their
full capacity during that time. If you
are storing something in the fridge, you will want to remove it soon to
give space for dinner theatre foods. If it is not removed, we will assume it
can be used or thrown out. Thank you for your assistance! :)
Crooked Creek Christian Camp
▪ Please
consider joining us for our Annual meeting on Nov. 13
at the lodge. Dinner will be served at 6:15pm with the meeting to
▪ Needing
wood for this winter? Help us
split wood on Nov. 17th. starting at 8:00am. Lunch to follow.
▪ Register
online for the Craft Retreat Nov. 16-18! Join us for a
relaxing weekend filled with good food and fellowship. More details on
our website.
Iowa MCC Relief Sale
▪ Come to Crooked Creek Christian Camp in Washington,
Iowa on Sunday, October 28 at 4pm to Sing for
Relief! Enjoy music, wood-fired flatbreads, fresh cider, a
campfire and other fall activities as we kick off festivities for the 40th
anniversary year of the Iowa Mennonite Relief Sale! All donations will go
towards the expenses for the 2019 Iowa Mennonite Relief Sale.
Iowa Mennonite School
Fall Preschool | IMS Child Development
students will lead preschool aged children in developmentally
appropriate activities. Each date will have a different theme that these
activities will be centered around. The remaining fall dates are Nov 1
and Nov 15 and all both are 10:30-11:30AM. Please contact the office
319-656-2073 to reserve your spot.
▪ Fall
Drama | Little Women directed
by Michael Swartzendruber will be performed in Celebration Hall on November 3 at 7:00PM and on November 4
at 3:00PM. Call the office 319-656-2073 to reserve your tickets!
▪ Blood
Drive | The IMS chapter of the
National Honor Society is hosting a blood drive on Monday, November 5 at 6:30-11:00AM. Plan now to donate blood by scheduling
a donation time through the IMS office 319-656-2073. Thank you for helping your
community in this special way!
Central Plains Conference
▪ Central Plains Mennonite Conference
Prayer Request: Pray for the Omaha Chin Christian Church in Omaha, NE as they
explore connections with CPMC. This is a congregation made up of persons from
the western side of Burma (Myanmar), near India.
Mennonite Agencies
▪ Service Assignment Openings at MCC’s Washington Office:
and Communications Assistant (2 year assignment, starting Jan 2, 2019) - This position will involve
working on public policy advocacy (focusing primarily on mass incarceration and
needed reforms to the U.S. criminal justice system, with a secondary focus on
gun violence) and the MCC Washington office’s public communications.
Here’s the link to the full assignment description:
Deadline for
receiving letters and resumes is November 9, 2018.
(3-4 months, starting Jan 14, 2019) - The MCC Washington Office is also offering 2 unpaid,
half time (.5FTE) internships a Domestic Affairs Intern and
an International Affairs Intern. To read more about internships
in general, click on this link: These
Winter/Spring internships would run from January to April.
Contact with questions or for more information.
▪ Resilience:
Nepal - Join MCC on an epic trekking journey
through Nepal, April 1-19 of 2019. Participants will spend twelve days hiking
through Nepal to see how MCC partner organization Shanti Nepal is working with
community strengths at the grassroots level to address vulnerabilities to
natural disasters and visit KOSHISH to see how they’re supporting mental health
and rehabilitation for those living with severe trauma and psychosocial
distress. MCC is seeking college students, trauma studies researchers and
practitioners, mental health professionals, engineers and ANYONE who enjoys
hiking and is interested in learning more about what resilience looks like in
the context of MCC in Nepal! Contact and check for more
▪ A Loaded Conversation an invitation to talk
about guns: Guns are part of our lives, whether or
not we own or use them. With encouragement and input from pastors and others in
the church, MCC U.S. has created this resource to help congregations stay at the
table to address the topic of guns. This print resource includes a conversation
guide, ways to engage, Bible studies and worship resources. Download the
resource and find more ways to engage on the topic at
▪ Mennonite Mission
Network Prayer Request: Mennonite Mission Network’s Journey International program has
participants in Benin, Requiyah Johnson, and in Ecuador, Maura Longenecker and
Samantha Miller. Pray for these three young women as they adapt to new
cultures, languages and communities. May God use their gifts to build the
global church.
Area Announcements
▪ Kalona MOPS Haystacks Fundraiser – Oct
21, 2018 from
11:30-1:30pm at Upper Deer Creek Mennonite Church. For more information, see the bulletin board
in the foyer.
▪ Join Bob & Kristie Black, Paul
& Julie Roberts & other fine Bluegrass musicians as they lead a
Community Hymn Sing on Sunday,
Oct 21st from 2:00-4:00pm at the St Michael’s Church in Holbrook (7
miles S of Amana interchange on I-80).
Free admission. For more
information, contact Stephen Hanson, 319-936-8674.
▪ Lower Deer Creek Mennonite Church
presents “4 Chair Discipling” on October 27, 2018 from 8:30am-4:30pm.
Anyone who wants to be challenged to be and make disciples should
attend! Cost is $25 per person. See the poster in the foyer for more details.
▪ Pillow Cleaning: Get your feather or foam pillows
cleaned, sanitized, deodorized and NEW TICKING on Tuesday, November 6, 2018, 8:30 AM to 4:00 PM at Kalona Mennonite Church,
902 6th St. Sponsored by the Kalona Mennonite WMSC
▪ All we needed to
know we learned in a one-room school,” is the focus of the
fall meeting of the Mennonite Historical
Society of Iowa. The meeting will be Monday November 19, 2018, 7:00 p.m. at Kalona Mennonite Church Fellowship
Hall. This program will explore experiences of students in area one-room
country schools. Our evening will be filled with interviews and sharing
about how experiences in rural one-room country schools shaped our lives.
Shared experiences will include singing, stories of discipline, inter-school
contests, and testimonials about the learning environment we experienced. Bring
country school mementos for a memorabilia table. You may want to bring your
grandchildren so they can remember our educational experiences of the past. Firman Gingerich will outline and plan for
interviews and panel discussion for the program.
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