The Bearing Fruit
January 18, 2018
▪ Offering for 1/21/18 - Regular Offering: $2,440.00
▪ TONIGHT, 5pm. – Winter
Work Night at Church – Bring fingerfoods to share. We'll work on various
projects including Valentines for our congregation, comforter knotting and
comforter square cutting. The need is still great for MCC comforters. Let's add
our hands to this effort to keep refugees and displaced peoples warm at
night--and feeling loved! Bring: -
fingerfood to share - old fabrics to cut
into squares for comforters - good
fabric scissors or cutting mats & rotary cutters - Valentine making supplies - college care package items
▪ Saturday Kitchen will be hosted this coming Saturday February 3rd,
2018 by WMC. Thank you for signing up to
donate food items and help with food prep, serving and clean up. The
completed sign-up sheets are in the foyer. Check them carefully to remind
you what you signed up for and we look forward to working with you at the
February 3rd Saturday Kitchen. We always enjoy working
together as a church family and we also enjoy serving community persons who
like the hot meal and the fellowship around the tables.
Saturday Kitchen
Committee: Gloria Widmer, Phyllis Litwiller and Sue Widmer
▪ Washington MC has been asked to deliver
Meals on Wheels for five weeks from Monday, Feb 5, 2018,
through Friday, March 9, 2018. Meals on Wheels delivery usually
takes about an hour beginning at 11:15 am each
weekday. If you would like to deliver Meals on Wheels this year, please
sign up in the foyer for the week (or days) that you would like to deliver
them. See Roger Farmer for questions or if you have not previously
performed this service.
Iowa Mennonite School
▪ IMS Cafe | This years
Culinary Arts Class restaurant dates are February 7 & 21 and March 7. The
restaurant opens at 8:30AM each day and the menu will include various
entrees, sides, and desserts. Reservations are required and can be made by
calling the school office 319-656-2073. Cost per person is $8.
▪ Chili Supper | The
annual Chili Supper hosted by the IMS senior class is on Saturday, February 10 serving
from 4:30PM-7:00PM
in Hillcrest Union. This year will take a trip back in time to 1960, the
year the Chili Supper was started by (then cook) Elta Burkholder. Along with all the traditional Chili Supper
menu items, we will also be serving the Mexican soup, Pozole [po'sole]
with all the fixings. Join us at IMS for something old and something new!
▪ Touring
Choir | The IMS Touring Choir will kickoff its local tour on Sunday
morning, February
11 at East Union Mennonite Church. Here is a link to the
Facebook event page:
The public is welcome at all events.
▪ Singing
Valentines | The IMS Chamber Choir will be delivering singing
valentines in the local area on Wednesday, February 14. For a donation of $35 for
individuals and $60 for groups, the 6-voice acappella ensemble will make a
surprise visit to homes or place of business, offering valentines greetings.
The singers will perform two pieces or more and include a box of chocolates for
that special someone(s). To schedule a Singing Valentine call the office at 319-656-2073.
▪ Visit Day | 8th grade and transfer students are invited to visit IMS
for a day on February
19. Register to attend at
Central Plains Conference
▪ Women of Central Plains:
You are invited to "Sister Care: Equipping Women for Healing
at the Leadership Center in Aurora, Nebraska, on March 3-4, 2018.
Sister Care seminars provide women with tools for ongoing personal healing, for
recognizing and celebrating God's grace in their lives, and for responding more
confidently to the needs of others. Sister Care is a ministry of
Mennonite Women USA and will be led by Rhoda Keener, former director of
Mennonite Women USA, and Carolyn Heggen, psychotherapist. For more information
or to register online, visit: WomensRetreatSisterCare or
contact First Mennonite Lincoln Church member Carol Knieriem at
or 402-366-6598.
▪ Central Plains Mennonite
Conference Prayer Request:
Today, Larry Nail is being installed as pastor at Julesburg
Mennonite Church in Julesburg, Colorado. Pray for Larry and for the
congregation as they proclaim the Good News together in their community.
Mennonite Agencies
▪ Everyone is invited to join the board and
staff of Mennonite Central Committee Central States for our annual meeting
on Friday,
February 23 at 10:30am at the MCC Center (121 E. 30th,
North Newton, KS 67117).
▪ MDS Iowa Annual Meeting will be held on March 4, 2018 at 2:00 PM at the
Lower Deer Creek Church. Also, we need volunteers/nominees to serve on
the Iowa MDS Unit Board. (4 year term).
Area Events
Sugar Creek Mennonite is hosting a SUPER BOWL SUNDAE lunch, Sunday, February 4 from 11:30-1. Join us for a
variety of hot soups and Hines Dairy ice cream sundaes. Proceeds from
this fundraiser will go to support the intergenerational mission trip to
Guatemala in March.
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