The Bearing Fruit
November 19, 2017
▪ The Church
Council has been reviewing needed improvements for the coming year and two
things have happened to come around at the same time. For the last year
council has been looking into flooring options for both the East and West
entrances to replace the old linoleum. Durable carpet tiles will be
installed that can be individually replaced if needed (total cost, $1200 -
$436.45 already in the entrance carpet fund). When the kitchen remodel
project finished, installing an opening shutter between the fellowship hall and
kitchen was put on hold because price estimates were around $8,000. A
company in Kansas is offering us the gracious price of only $1,000, thanks to
Karen Bates’ Mennonite Game playing :) and the companies desire to support the
Mennonite Church. Donations for these projects can be placed in the
offering designated as “Church Improvement Fund.” Thank you! -
Washington Mennonite Church Council
▪ Katie Graber, a member of Resonate Team,
the Mennonite Worship and Song Committee, will worship and sing with Washington
Mennonite Church on Sunday, November 26th, at 9:30 AM. Katie will share about the committee’s work and
lead us in songs from their Great Day of Singing sampler that are being
considered for inclusion in a new hymnal to be released in 2020. We will
also sing old favorites and requests and have a time for a Q&A with
Katie. All are welcome to come and join us in Washington.
▪ Sunday, November 26, Holiday
Open House at Jon and Amanda's, 2-5pm see invitation in your mailbox for more details.
▪ December 3-24, "24-ish Hours
of Advent Prayers" for Washington Mennonite. See Amy Widmer to sign-up for a daily
time to pray. Pray at least 15 minutes of the hour you've signed up for. Prayer
resources will be available for anyone who is interested. Also, stay tuned for
opportunities to pray together at the church during the weeks of Advent.
▪ Wednesday, December 20, 5:30pm – WMC Christmas
Caroling, meet
at church.
Crooked Creek Christian Camp
▪ Crooked
Creek Christian Camp announces that in lieu of the annual Fall Fundraiser (usually intended for maintenance and
repair projects), our goal is to fully
fund the new Welcome Center. The goal is to raise the final $96,053 to
complete the project. Cash gifts for the Welcome Center are invited as one-time
contributions or pledges (monthly, quarterly or annually) with pledges to be
paid by December 2018. Thank you for your consideration! You can give online at
Iowa Mennonite School
▪ Visit Days | November 27 Grade 8 and transfer students
are invited to IMS for the day to shadow a current student. Parents can also
take part in a Q&A coffee with the administration team at the beginning of
the day. Details and registration are at:
▪ #GivingTuesday | 11.28.17 for the twenty-four hours of GivingTuesday we encourage
you to give to IMS and give generously. You can give any size donation online
or you can send a check to the school postmarked 11.28.17. Through this event we hope
to raise $20,000 in one
day for The Annual Fund.
▪ Save The Date | The Alumni Night basketball game(s) will be Saturday December 16. More details
to come.
Central Plains Conference
▪ The third and final Central Plains Bible Study webinar with
Keith Slater
is coming up! Join us at 7:30pm on Tuesday, November 28. Keith will give guidance
on how to prepare good questions in A
Unified Purpose: Preparing to Lead. RSVP on the Bible Study Webinars page at www.centra by
Monday, November 27.
▪ Nurture children’s faith at home this
Advent and Christmas through family worship. Find
a free, downloadable guide at For use between December 3 and January 6, it includes a
daily Bible reading, short litany, songs, hands-on activities and questions to
ponder together.
▪ Central Plains Mennonite Conference Prayer Request: Pray for Keith Slater as he
prepares to lead final webinar of the "Open the Book" Bible
study series offered for free to Central Plains members.
Mennonite Agencies
▪ Spread cozy, colorful
warmth around the world!
All you have to do is tie knots! Mennonite Central Committee has a generous
number of comforter tops, and now we need your help tying them! MCC has
paired tops and backs that are ready to be tied, and we are inviting you or
your church group to pick some up (or we can ship them to you)! If you are
interested, please either stop by the MCC Material Resources Center in North
Newton, or contact Kate Mast at, or 316-283-2720. We ask that
you provide the batting and the crochet tying thread if possible. Thank you in
advance for helping to spread warmth and love to our brothers and sisters
around the world!
▪ Mennonite Education Agency Prayers for
Faith and Learning – Goshen (Indiana)
College – Pray for Goshen College
students, especially those who will celebrate the Thanksgiving Holiday far away
from their families.
▪ West Union
Mennonite Church Celebration - The West Union Mennonite Church building is 100 years old and is
the oldest Amish Mennonite Church building in the State of Iowa and
beyond. On Sunday, November
19 at 9:30 A.M. a church service reminiscent of the dedication
service from November 25, 1917, will be held with Ron Guengerich of
Goshen, Indiana, preaching. The 11:00 A.M.
gathering will consist of accounts of that day in 1917, the historical story of
the people who built the church, and stories and impressions by West Union
people from earlier days to recent times. All are cordially invited to
join West Union for this special day. (A carry-in meal will follow at noon.)
▪ Haystacks
Fundraiser Meal served by Souled Out International to raise funds to help build a church in
Bicol, Philippines. The meal will be at noon at Kalona Mennonite Church on Sunday, November 19th.
▪ Thanksgiving Day. Come and give thanks as we worship
together, Thursday November 23, 9:30 a.m., West Union Mennonite Church, 3253 305th
St., Parnell, IA. A thanksgiving offering will be received for Take
Away Hunger.
▪ Sunday,
December 3 you are invited to come and enjoy a traditional Mexican meal
at Wellman Mennonite church. We'll be serving pork or chicken tacos, rice & beans
(with pico de gallo & guacamole salsa), cheese quesadillas (for the kids),
chips and salsa, and strawberry cake for dessert. Lunch will be served from 11:45 am - 1:15 pm; proceeds
will provide for the ongoing medical expenses of Melitza Jimenez.
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