The Bearing Fruit
October 29, 2017
Offering for 10/22/17 - $1,495 (General Fund); $1,000 (IMS Student
Assistance Fund); $150 (Entrance Carpet Fund)
Crooked Creek Christian Camp
▪ On October 19, camp
experienced a fire that was contained in
our maintenance shop built 10 years ago. We are grateful there were no injuries!
A portion of the structure, equipment and numerous hand tools were damaged.
This past week the focus has been mitigating the damage and preparing to recover
and restore the building. We are gladly accepting volunteers and Mennonite
Disaster Service Iowa unit is helping to coordinate people.
▪ Employment
Opportunities are available at Crooked Creek that include Office & Guest
Services Manager and a part-time Housekeeping Manager. Job description is available on the camp
▪ November 11 is WOOD
CUTTING DAY starting at 8am until
finished. Lunch is provided, please RSVP by calling the camp office or your
local camp rep.
▪ November 14 is ANNUAL MEETING with dinner served at 6:15pm. All are invited to celebrate
camp ministry.
▪ November 17-18
is CRAFT RETREAT from 3pm to 3pm.
Details available at
Iowa Mennonite School
▪ Anne of Green Gables on November 4 & 5 IMS will present
the fall musical, Anne of Green Gables directed by Alisa
Kandel and Michael Swartzendruber. Tickets are now on sale by calling the
office at 319-656-2073. Details at
▪ Blood Drive on Tuesday November 7 from 7:00-11:00AM.
The IMS chapter of the National Honor Society is hosting a blood drive at IMS.
Plan now to donate blood by scheduling a donation time through the office 319-656-2073.
Thank you for giving in this special way.
▪ Boys Basketball Jamboree IMS will host the 8 team jamboree in Hillcrest Union on November 20. Schedule to be announced later.
Central Plains Conference
▪ You can still register for Listen
Closely: Facilitating good discussion, a Bible study webinar
provided for you from Central Plains Mennonite Conference on Tuesday at 7:30pm. Fill out
the RSVP form on the Bible Study Webinars page at by noon Tuesday.
▪ Central Plains Mennonite Conference Prayer Request: Pray for your sister churches in Montana:
Ashland Christian Fellowship, Lame Deer Mennonite Church, and White River
Cheyenne Mennonite Church. Dave and Shana Boshart will be with these churches
next weekend.
Mennonite Agencies
▪ Looking for that next great adventure? MCC
SALT positions now available!
Take chances. Make mistakes. Get messy. Be challenged. Learn some
things. Teach some things. Spend a year living somewhere that you never
dreamed you'd go...
Serving and Learning Together (SALT) is a year-long, cross-cultural service experience. Through SALT, Christian young adults from Canada and the U.S. serve internationally in a wide variety of positions in fields like education, agriculture, health care, information technology, peace and more! Start now at, to find answers to frequently asked questions, assignment options and to apply!
Serving and Learning Together (SALT) is a year-long, cross-cultural service experience. Through SALT, Christian young adults from Canada and the U.S. serve internationally in a wide variety of positions in fields like education, agriculture, health care, information technology, peace and more! Start now at, to find answers to frequently asked questions, assignment options and to apply!
▪ Everence has an
opening for a Client Services Representative in our Kalona office to provide administrative, sales, and marketing support
for financial advisors and stewardship consultants as we seek to help
individuals and organizations integrate their faith and finances.
Qualified applicants will have minimum two years’ sales support experience
(preferred); proven organizational skills, strong computer software knowledge
and aptitude; excellent customer service skills; and willingness to become
licensed in life and health insurance. For more information about the
position and/or to apply, please visit our website,
Resumes may also be sent to Everence, Human Resources, PO Box 483, Goshen,
IN 46527; or e-mailed to
▪ Help
available for sorting out retirement options – People approaching
retirement have quite a few decisions to make regarding Medicare and Social
Security. That’s why Everence is offering Medicare Mondays, the last
seminar for 2017, designed to help people make informed decisions about both
federal programs. The seminar is scheduled for 10 a.m. on Nov. 13
at Kalona Public Library. Contact Cheryl Martin Miller at (319) 656-4242 or
for more information.
▪ Join
Everence for an evening of insight, inspiration and stories of generosity – Everence
Financial will be hosting an event dedicated to the topic of generosity on Monday, Nov. 13, 6:30 – 8:30 p.m.
You’ll hear about the profound impact generous people can make on our world; how
estate planning can help you support causes closest to your heart; and what you
need to know about the law and your legacy. The event will take place at Iowa
Mennonite School (Celebration Hall), 1421 540th St. SW, Kalona.
Refreshments will be served. Reserve your spot soon by contacting Cheryl Martin
Miller at (877) 656-4242, (319) 656-4242 or cheryl.martin
▪ Mennonite Education Agency Prayers for
Faith and Learning – Goshen (Indiana) College
– Pray for Goshen College students as they engage with questions about
interfaith dialogue with guest Eboo Patel.
Area Events
▪ Fall Harvest Celebration Bring your family for hayrack rides,
pumpkin bowling, face painting, photo booth and more! Costumes are welcome
(nothing scary or graphic). We will be serving free hot dogs, chips and drinks.
October 31, 5:30-7:30 pm; Lower
Deer Creek Church, 1408 540th St SW, Kalona. We will also be
doing a service project – assembling bags of candy for the Ronald McDonald
house. Bring a bag of candy and join in!
▪ Get your feather or foam pillows cleaned, sanitized,
deodorized & NEW TICKING on Tuesday, November 7, 2017 8:30 a.m.—4:00
p. m. At Kalona Mennonite Church, 902 6th Street Sponsored by the Kalona Mennonite WMSC
▪ Parkview
Home, Soup & Sundae Fundraiser – November 12, 2017 – 11:30am to 1:30pm in the
Parkview Family Room. We appreciate your
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