The Bearing Fruit
October 1, 2017
Financial report. We've started our new fiscal year on Sept. 1. Even though
expenses were a bit more than offerings, our balance stands at $5652.69 since
we ended last year with a balance! Thanks for your continued generosity to
Washington Mennonite. If you have questions, see Mary Lou Farmer.
▪ If you are
interested in joining a Sunday School class meeting in October and November that will study the topic Money from the new “Upside Down Living”
series, let Andrea know so she can order a book for you!
▪ Saturday
Kitchen. WMC is responsible for the noon meal October 21st
at the United Presbyterian church fellowship. Sign-up sheets for workers and food items
are on the table in the foyer. Please sign to help us with either food
items or working a shift. If you have questions or comments please contact one
of the committee members Gloria Widmer, Phyllis Litwiller or Sue Widmer.
▪ Villatoro Family Fundraiser – Thanks so much for your generosity towards the Villatoro family
fundraiser these past 2 weeks. Our
initial goal of $2000.00 has been reached. However, if you would like
to contribute and have not already done so, we can certainly surpass our goal
to assist with ongoing expenses. Contributions should be
"Villatoro Family Fund". Continue to remember Max and Gloria
and their children in your prayers in the coming days/weeks.
Crooked Creek Christian Camp
is October 12, 9am-2:30pm. For more information and to register by
October 10 go to
and sign up today!
CUTTING DAY is November 11 starting at 8am
until finished. Lunch is provided, please RSVP by calling the camp office or
emailing tim at
MEETING is November 14 with dinner served at 6:15pm. Meeting and
stories of camp begin at 7:00pm. All are invited to
celebrate camp ministry.
RETREAT is November 17-18, from 3pm to 3pm.
One night with meals and snacks. Details available at
Iowa Mennonite School
▪ IMS needs volunteers on October 9 to help with alumni and friends data collection. Come out to IMS at
6:00PM and join friends, classmates, and faculty/staff as we work together at
gathering emails to complete our info database. Food and fellowship will be
provided. Please RSVP to Jeremy Ours at
▪ Tuesday October 10 Clergy
Appreciation Day where area pastors come to IMS and participate in classes,
chapel, talk with the Administration.
▪ The Joetown Classic 5K run walk
will take place on Saturday October
14 at IMS. Go to http://www.iowa for details and to
register. This is your last chance
to register before Oct 2 to guarantee a free shirt.
▪ The Annual Pork Supper will
be on Saturday October 14 serving from 4:30-7:00PM in Hillcrest Union.
The junior class is currently selling tickets, but tickets will also be
available at the door. Tickets are $10 Adults, $9 Seniors 65+, $5 Kids 4-12,
and Free Kids 0-3.
▪ October 15 Fall Music Concert at 3:00PM in Celebration Hall
and following all 6th-8th graders and their families are invited to a Harvest
Party with our FFA following the Fall Music Concert (around 4:30PM).
There will be hot dogs, fun and games. Please RSVP at
▪ November 4 & 5 IMS will present
the fall musical, Anne
of Green Gables, directed by Alisa Kandel and Michael Swartzendruber.
Tickets are now on sale by calling the office at 319-656-2073.
Central Plains Conference
▪ Central Plains Mennonite Conference Prayer
Request: We invite you to pray and fast for the Max and Gloria
Villatoro family on Tuesday of this week, that their family might be reunited
Mennonite Agencies
▪ Mennonite
Education Agency Prayers for Faith and Learning – Instituto Bíblico Anabautista
(IBA) – Pray for students and tutor Lilian Flores at the new IBA Study
Center at Evangelical Garifuna Mennonite Church in Bronx, New York. They will
be starting the course Introduction to Bible Study. Pray that this course will
be of blessing for the students, their congregations and their communities as
these leaders learn new tools to spread God’s word to expand God’s kingdom.
Area Events
▪ Join a community hymn sing at Pleasant Hill Methodist Church, Joetown,
Today, Sunday, October 1 at 2:30 p.m. The brick colored
Mennonite Hymnal will be provided.
▪ J-POG (Just Peace Outreach Group) invites you
to hear Pastor Jose address the topic, "Ministering to refugees." Pastor Jose ministers to the poorest of
the poor in a squatter settlement in northern Mexico. Join us on
Sunday evening, October 1,
2017, at East Union Mennonite Church, 5615 Gable Avenue, Kalona, IA
at 6:00 p.m. for a finger-foods potluck and conversation (please
bring your own table service) or at 7 pm for the presentation and
discussion. For more information call Roger Farmer at 319-653-2547 or email Jane Yoder-Short at Wilma
▪ Opportunity at English River Church of the Brethren: Dawn
Ottoni-Wilhelm will explore the theme, "Jesus' ways to Newness of
Life" on Tuesday evening, October 10, at
7:00 at the English River Church of the Brethren, 2 1/4 miles east of
South English. Supper at 6:00 and worship, "Helping Bodies"
(Matthew 14:13-21,) at 7:00. Dawn Ottoni-Wilhelm is Professor of
Preaching and Worship at Bethany Theological Seminary in Richmond, Indiana.
Born and reared in Detroit, Michigan, Professor Ottoni-Wilhelm was
ordained in the church of the Brethren in 1987. She completed doctoral
work in practical theology at Princeton Theological Seminary in 2004. She
is an active member of the North American Academy of Homiletics and serves on
the international governing board of Societas Homiletica. She has
received honors for her books on preaching.
▪ Enjoy delicious pizza at Geyer's Oven on October
12th while supporting the Iowa Mennonite Relief Sale. Pizza will be served from 5-8, and from 6-7:30
there will be live music and a barn dance. Please bring your lawn
chairs/blankets, and drinks if you choose. Cost is by donation.
▪ Kalona MOPS is having a Haystacks
Fundraiser on Sunday, October 15th from 11:30am-1:30pm at Upper Deer Creek Mennonite Church. There will be a free will donation. See the flyer in the entryway for more
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