The Bearing Fruit
September 3, 2017
▪ Offering for 8/27/17 - $3586.18 (regular); $200 (Mutual Aid); $1000 (Villatoro Fund)
▪ If you are
interested in joining a Sunday School class meeting in October and November that will study the topic Money from the new “Upside Down Living”
series, let Andrea know so she can order a book for you!
Iowa Mennonite School
▪ Homecoming & Alumni Family Weekend
will take place on campus Oct 13-15. Events will include alumni volleyball and soccer games, Joetown
Classic, food fundraiser by the PTO with outdoor music by The Young Ramblers,
Annual Pork Supper, and a community worship service. Campus will be open all
weekend for tours and for classes to meet.
▪ The Joetown Classic 5K run walk will
take place on Saturday October 14 at IMS. Go to /joetown-classic for
details and to register.
Central Plains Conference
▪ Sunday
school teachers and small group leaders, would you like some practical tips
on how to prepare for and facilitate Bible studies? Plan to join the free
webinars that Central Plains conference is offering this fall. Please reserve
these dates: September 26, October 24
and November 28. More information is coming soon.
▪ Central Plains Mennonite Conference Prayer
Request: Pray
that God will make a way for the Max and Gloria Villatoro family to be
reunited. We invite you to fast and pray for the Villatoros on Tuesday of this
Iowa MCC Relief
▪ The Home Place Retreat will be hosting
Sweet Sundae Serenade: a homemade ice cream sundae bar, to raise funds as part
of the MCC Relief Sale on Sunday,
September 10 at 3 pm. The public is
invited to come enjoy live music. This is a donation event; no tickets are
needed. The Home Place Retreat is located between Wellman and Kalona, on
the south side of the road: 1881 Highway 22.
Mennonite Agencies
▪ #ActionAlert from MCC - All the Mennonite
Central Committee Material Resources Centers in the U.S. need a combined total
of 7000 comforters by November! Yes, you read that right, 7000 comforters are needed to fulfill the
requests from MCC partner organizations in Iraq, North Korea and Syria! Save
the dates to join the effort at the MCC Mini Comforter Blitz at the MCC Center
in North Newton, Kansas on September 29 and 30. Check for
more details, or contact, 316.283.2720.
▪ Medicare Mondays – People approaching
retirement have quite a few decisions to make regarding Medicare and Social
Security. That’s why Everence is offering Medicare Mondays, a series of
seminars designed to help people make informed decisions about both federal
programs. The seminars are scheduled for 10 a.m. and 6:30 p.m. Sept. 11,
and Nov. 13 at Kalona Public
Library. Contact Cheryl Martin Miller at (319) 656-4242 or
for more information.
Area Events
▪ WELCOME THE STRANGER: Exploring Biblical View of Immigration is a training opportunity at SUGAR CREEK
MENNONITE CHURCH, 1209 Franklin Ave., Wayland, IA on Saturday, September
23 from 10 am-3 pm. Immigration has become one of the
most important and complex issues of our day. While often portrayed as a
political issue, immigration is fundamentally an issue about people including
those in our churches, workplace and school. Come hear what the Bible has
to say about immigration, recent immigration policies, common questions about
immigrants and ways we can respond. To registration, complete the digital
form at
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