The Bearing Fruit
July 9, 2017
you for your continued strong giving which allows us to
meet the church's financial obligations. The Annual Blueprint balance at the
end of June is $6718.09. We have some "once-a-year" expenses in the
next two months and your continued generosity is appreciated!! If you have questions,
see Mary Lou Farmer.
▪ Saturday Kitchen
meal will be prepared and served by Washington
Mennonite church at the United Presbyterian Church in Washington on Saturday July 15th, 2017. Food
sign-up sheets and also sheets for persons to help in the kitchen or serve
food and beverages are located on the library table in the foyer. Numbers
of guests served each week in the past several months have varied from a low
number of fifty nine persons to a high of 86 persons. Because of the
lower number of guests we have cut back on our requests for food items so you
will see a shorter list. Please check the requests for both food and help
needed and sign-up. As a committee we appreciate your help. - Gloria Widmer, Sandy Buhrow and Phyllis
Crooked Creek
Christian Camp
▪ Thank you for your continued prayers for
the ministry of camp and 7th-8th grade camp starting today.
Iowa Mennonite
JOB OPENING: Science Instructor IMS is searching for a
candidate to join our Science Department for the 2017-2018 school year. More
information is available at:
▪ SUMMER CAMPS Are you wanting to be creative
over the summer? Sign up for our Art and Creative Camps in July. Juanita
Benedict will lead a Mystery Camp for students entering grades 4-5 and a Toy
Maker Camp for grades 5-6. Mystery Camp is July 17-21 from 1:00-3:00PM and Toy
Maker Camp is July
24-27 from 9:00-11:30AM.
▪ Bryn Hovde will lead Digital
Sculpture and Digital Painting for students entering grades 6-12.
These camps will be July 17-21 with
sculpture from 10:00AM-12:00PM and painting from 1:00-3:00PM.
▪ IMS Basketball Camp will run July 24-27 for
boys entering grades 5-10. More information is available at
Iowa Mennonite
Relief Sale
Iowa Mennonite Relief Sale will hold its annual meeting on Wednesday, July 12, 7 p.m., at Kalona Mennonite Church. Everyone is welcome to
attend. Reports will be given, evaluations received, and election of new board
members will take place.
Central Plains
▪ Central
Plains Mennonite Conference Prayer Request: Pray for all our sisters and
brothers from across Mennonite Church USA who are gathered in Orlando, Florida,
this coming week for convention and delegate assembly. Pray especially
for God's guidance of those in leadership and of the Future Church Summit.
Mennonite Agencies
▪ Excited to
buy MCC school kit supplies when all the back-to-school supplies show up in
stores? Consider helping refugee
families in Jordan and Ukraine meet their basic hygiene needs with an MCC
relief kit instead! Our partners in the Middle East and Ukraine are asking
for more relief kits than MCC has on-hand so we need your help! Our goal is to
ship 83,000 relief kits by March 2018. Visit for
full kit information and from there click through to our Amazon Wish List for
easier shopping and shipping. Just bring or ship kit items to MCC Central
States 121 E. 30th St. North Newton, KS 67117. Contact, 316-283-2720
with questions or to schedule a kit packing event at your church!
▪ Help available for sorting out
retirement options - People approaching retirement have quite a few decisions to make
regarding Medicare and Social Security. That’s why Everence is offering Medicare
Mondays, a series of seminars designed to help people make informed
decisions about both federal programs. The seminars are scheduled for 10 a.m.
and 6:30 p.m. July 10, Sept. 11, and Nov. 13 at Kalona Public Library. Contact
Cheryl Martin Miller at (319) 656-4242 or for
more information.
▪ Mennonite
Church USA Announcement: This
week take time to learn about, study and pray over the results of the Future Church Summit that
recently took place in Orlando. The gathering was designed to shape a new
vision and direction that will energize the church.
▪ Mennonite Education
Agency Prayers for Faith & Learning:
for Goshen College leadership as President James Brenneman departs and Provost
Ken Newbold assumes the role of interim president ahead of Dr. Rebecca Stoltzfus'
arrival as 18th president of Goshen College.
Area Announcements
▪ Keepers
of the Faith, a southern gospel quartet from Puyallup, Washington, is returning to Lower Deer Creek
Mennonite Church on Friday, July
14th for a 7:00 pmconcert. Bring a friend and receive a
blessing. A freewill offering will be taken.
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