The Bearing Fruit
June 4, 2017
Upcoming Events:
June 10 – Church Garage Sale/Pancake
MYF Fundraiser
June 11 - MYF, 5pm, at Amy's
June 18 - Worship at Crooked Creek
with the Counselors
June 15-18 – CPMC Annual Meeting, Sioux Falls
July 4-8 – MC USA Convention, Orlando, FL
July 9 - Picnic at the Washington Park
July 15 - Saturday Kitchen, UP Church
Aug 13 - Picnic at the Wellman Park
▪ Financial Report: Church offering kept
pace with expenses leaving us with a balance of $6456.55 at the end of May. Thanks for your continued strong giving
during the summer months. Please remember that we are not having a worship
service and offering here on June 18 and plan your donations accordingly.
If you have questions, see Mary Lou Farmer.
▪ May 2017 My Coins Count - Bring your coins for the My Coins
Count (MyCC) offering throughout the month of May. Coins will join with others
across Iowa and around the world to be used for water projects and sand dams in
▪ Church
Garage Sale Saturday, June 10th – The
Washington Mennonite Youth group will be having a Church wide Garage sale and
Pancake Breakfast Saturday June 10th. The pancake breakfast will be 8 am - 11
am and the garage sale will run from 8 am - 2 pm. All proceeds will help the
Youth group go to a Youth convention in Florida. Talk
to Amy to sign-up to help!
▪ Saturday Kitchen - Washington
Mennonite served seventy plates and made thirty one carry out meals on Saturday
May 27th which was Memorial Day Weekend. We served fewer
persons than usual. Thank you to everyone who helped with this
meal. Guests always appreciate the ham and scallop potato
meal. Our next scheduled Saturday Kitchen is Saturday July 15th, 2017. Mark
your calendar and sign up to help. We always have a good time working
-- Gloria Widmer, Sandy Buhrow
and Phyllis Litwiller
Iowa MCC Relief
▪ The Iowa Mennonite Relief Sale is taking place June 2 -
3, and you can help. Volunteers are needed to park cars both Friday evening and Saturday
morning. If interested sign up
▪ The online auction is now
open for bidding!
Browse the items available for bid. Your winning bid will support the
international relief, development and peacebuilding work of Mennonite Central
Committee. Find the items online here:
Crooked Creek
Christian Camp
▪ Orientation
for camp summer staff begins today! Please pray for Crooked Creek Camp as our summer camps
are underway. We're excited for the opportunity to serve area youth with
Christ-centered camping!
▪ Calling all
high schoolers...Start your summer off right by
attending High School camp, June 8-11. This extended weekend is packed full of classic camp
activities as well as new exciting thrills you won't want to miss! Space
▪ Want to get involved? Volunteers requested, sign up at or view our website for more details.
▪ Want to get involved? Volunteers requested, sign up at
▪ Church at Camp is Sunday,
June 18 at 10am. Join us for worship led by camp summer staff
and counselors at Sunset Shelter by the pond. After church share in a finger
food picnic potluck. Bring a non-refrigerated finger food dish to
share. Drinks will be provided.
Iowa Mennonite
the Black: A Ten Year Celebration, Friday, June 9 7:30PM The entire community is
invited to attend this end-of-year fundraising event celebrating the fine arts
at IMS and Celebration Hall through many alumni performances and a silent
auction. There will be three opportunities to bid for meals in homes: at 7:00PM
before the show, during a 10-minute intermission, and for 20 minutes after
the show. Our goal is to raise $60,000 in one evening! A group of
loyal IMS supporters have provided matching funds up to $25,000. Please come
take this opportunity to give generously through the silent auction and/or the
offering to help IMS get
Annual IMS Golf Tournament Saturday, June 17
at the Kalona Golf Club. Register to play or sponsor at or
by emailing This year we have a lot of great
players gifts so come out and join us for golf and lunch provided by Freeman
Foods in Wellman.
▪ Summer camps We have many camps happening this summer. Check out our website for more information and online registration forms.
▪ Summer camps We have many camps happening this summer. Check out our website for more information and online registration forms.
Central Plains
▪ You can still register for Central Plains Annual Meeting June 15-18 in Sioux
Falls, but please do so this week. Hear Meghan Good, visit with your
conference sisters and brothers, and learn how our covenant of spiritual
practices is shaping congregations. Find registration information in your
church office and at
▪ Save the
date for Swan Lake Women's Retreat September 16-17. Our speaker will be Ruth Harder and her
topic will be "Meeting women in the Bible again - for the first
time". Be watching for more information as the time draws nearer!
▪ Central
Plains Mennonite Conference Prayer Request: Pray for Monica Clem, office
manager for Central Plains, as she oversees registration, prepares delegate
packets, and arranges many other details in preparation for Annual Meeting
2017 in Sioux Falls.
Mennonite Agencies
▪ Mennonite Church USA Announcement:
Be in prayer for the students at the various Mennonite-related schools around the country and the world this month as they
finish up another academic year. Pray that they would have a good summer of fun
and renewal as they build on what they have learned.
Area Announcements
▪ East Union
Mennonite Church invites all Preschoolers - 6th graders to Vacation Bible
School, June 9-10, 9am - 4pm. Join us for Digging for
Treasure, a fun-filled, Bible-based learning experience focused on
uncovering the stories Jesus told, also known as parables. Register by
calling the church office, 319-656-2590 or online at
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