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Friday, March 14, 2014

Newsletter for March 16, 2014

Bearing Fruit
March 16, 2014

Our Church

Happy Birthday to: Vickie Bender (3/17),
Martha Graber (3/21)

Happy Anniversary to:  Tim & Cindy Widmer (3/17)

Offering for 3/9/2014: $1,300 (regular)

Our group subscription plan to The Mennonite is renewing.  The Mennonite, magazine for Mennonite Church USA, seeks to fulfill its mission of helping readers glorify God, grow in faith and become agents of healing and hope in the world through articles that challenge and inspire, news that connects readers to the larger Mennonite community and much more.  If you are interested in joining our group plan, please contact Andrea by Sunday, March 30th.

Iowa Mennonite School

IMS’s Touring Choir, will present a program of music on Sunday, March 16 at Faith Baptist Church in Washington.  They will sing a variety of music; all are invited to attend either of the two morning services (8:30 or 10:30 am).

Two IMS Students, Alaina Beatty and Nicole Roetlin, will present their Senior Recital in a joint effort this afternoon at 3pm in Celebration Hall.  The recital will be followed by a reception; all are welcome.

The IMS Culinary Arts class will again be serving meals in the lobby outside Celebration Hall.  United Café, featuring regional food of the United States, will be open March 19 (New England); March 26 (Pacific Hawaiian); April 2 (Western US); and April 23 (Southern US).  Serving will begin at 8:30am, and the cost is $8 per person.  Reservations are required and seating is limited; please call the office at 656.2073 or 683.2586.  Renee Brokaw instructs the class.

Central Plains Conference

The Sower Prayer Request:  Pray for members of the Constituency Leaders Council (a group that includes representatives from area conferences, like Conference Minister David Boshart, and recognized Mennonite Church USA constituency groups across the country) as they meet together at Bethel College in North Newton, Kan., from March 20-22.

Mennonite Agencies

The Spring meeting of the Crowded Closet Association will be held March 17, 7:00pm at Wellman Mennonite Church.  Any interested persons are invited to attend and hear what new and exciting things are happening at the Closet.

Urgent Need for Pencils:  The MCC Material Resources Center in North Newton, KS currently has an urgent need for pencils for school kits.  Based on feedback from kit recipients, MCC increased the number of pencils in school kits from four to eight.  This much-needed change has created an urgent need for pencils, since many kits arrive at our warehouse with fewer than eight pencils.  Your gift of pencils or your donation of funds designated for “Central States Kits” will help us complete hundreds of incomplete kits and send them to countries including Jordan, Afghanistan and Kenya.  Pencils should be sent to MCC Central States PO Box 235 North Newton, KS 67117, checks should be sent to MCC U.S. PO Box 500 Akron, PA 17501.  Questions?  Call 316.283.2720 or visit 

Mennonite Mission Network Prayer Request:  MMN thanks you for praying for the Evangelical Mennonite Church of Congo mediation process that took place in December.  Praise God for a good outcome and for the cooperation among the three Mennonite denominations in the country.  Pray that church unity would continue to grow.

Prayers for faith and learning:  Give thanks for the new collaborative MBA between Bluffton University, Eastern Mennonite University, and Goshen College.  Pray for strong enrollment which opens March 20, 2014.  Pray for the faculty and staff working hard to make this program a reality.

Areas Events

Tonight, 6:30pm, The Tinders a gospel music group will be at Bethel Mennonite Church.  All are invited to join us.

Sugar Creek will host a Circle of Grace Curriculum training session for anyone currently working or is interested in working with children in the church.  This session will be from 7-9pm on Monday, March 24th at Sugar Creek.  The Circle of Grace program educates children and young people to participate in safe environments and how to set appropriate physical, emotional, spiritual, and sexual boundaries.  K-12 Sunday school teachers are encouraged to attend this training.  Please RSVP to 319.256.6061 or email sugarcreekmc at if you plan to attend.

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