Bearing Fruit January 6 2013
Happy Birthday to: Hayden Hemsath (01/07)
Sandy Buhrow (01/09) Stan
Skinner (01/10) and
Jacob Garrett (01/11)
Happy Anniversary to: Harmon and Mary Martin (01/06)
for 12/30/12: $1405.00

We will conduct our final
Conversation Café next Sunday morning, January
We want to select twelve scriptures that guide Washington Mennonite’s
congregational life.
Sunday, January 13th at 5 PM we will hold a congregational meeting in
the fellowship hall. Phyllis
Litwiller, Edie Nebel & Gay Widmer will give a report from the SE Iowa
regional meeting they attended Dec 15th. Everyone is welcome & encouraged to
There is $293 left on the van
purchase. If anyone would
like to contribute to this fund please do so by next week. The council suggested using general funds to
clear up the remainder if there is a negative balance after Jan 13th.
Elder’s meeting is Tuesday January
8th with Phyllis
Litwiller, Edie Nebel & Gay Widmer present to report from their SE Iowa
regional meeting. The meeting is at
church at 5:30.
Crooked Creek
Christian Camp
Jr. High WinterFest at CCCC is quickly approaching! (Jan 11-13,
2013) Packets with registration
information were sent to your church JYF sponsors. Reminder that registrations postmarked after
Jan 2nd will be assessed with a $10 late fee/person. Don’t miss this chance to come to camp, have
a blast, learn about God and be with friends!
Coins for
Camp packets have been distributed to
your church camp reps. Coins for Camp is
a Jan fundraiser for kids and adults and includes a calendar with scriptures
and directions on collecting those coins each day of the month. This year we are raising money for the water
slide and other
things. Look for those calendars in your mailboxes or see your church rep to
get one.
Mennonite Agencies
The Sower Prayer Request: Pray for God’s
guidance and wisdom for conference leaders as they develop a response to the
counsel received during the fall regional meetings.
Mennonite Mission Network Prayer
Request: Serbian Orthodox believers will celebrate
Christmas tomorrow after fasting since the end of November. Lane Stopher serves
with Mennonite Mission Network and is learning about reducing materialism from
new faith expressions. Pray for Lane’s ministry with youth and at the War
Trauma Center in Serbia
Prayers for Faith and Learning: Lord, help us to model Christ more clearly as we interact with young
children, aligning our attitudes and actions with the words we use to teach them
about God’s love. Help us to provide understanding and tools needed for
cooperation and peacemaking. –Mennonite Early Childhood Network
Washington Area
The MCC meat canning committee thanks each one who made monetary
contributions for purchasing turkey meat this year. Also thank you to each one for
volunteering your time on canning day to help make it a huge success. It was
wonderful to see everyone working together and enjoying the fellowship. We
canned approximately 10,500 cans of turkey chunks which MCC will distribute to
hungry people throughout the world. Thanks so much and we look
forward to seeing you again next year.
Mississippi Valley Regional Blood Center Kalona
Community Blood Drive: Sponsored by the Optimist Club will be held
on Mon, Jan 7th from 2:30pm to 7:30pm at Kalona Mennonite
Church. To donate call Ed Yoder at
319.656.2134 or 319.656.2283 or go online at
Parkview Home’s first “Steak for the Stake Holders” dinner will
be the evening of February 9 at Sugar Creek. The evening
will include a catered meal and a short program with several popular items from
past auctions. Seats are still available for the meal. See the attached
invitation (by the Bearing Fruit) for details.
West Union MYF would like to invite you to come to
HUHOT Mongolian Grill on Mon, Jan 14th
and have supper. The MYF will be the
helping hands there from 5pm to 8pm and 10% of the sales will go towards their
expenses for the 2013 Youth Convention.
There will also be a tip jar for donations. Questions or directions? Call Lisa Lammer 319.930.7500 or Ramona
Miller 319.430.6832.
Deer Creek Mennonite Church is presenting a Walk Thru the Bible Seminar in the New Testament on
Saturday, January 26, 2013 from 9 A.M. to 4 P.M. This years’ event
will be held at Iowa Mennonite School and will include a Kids in the Book Event (Grades
1-5). Registration fee for adults is $25 and includes
lunch, snacks and materials. Children grades 1-5 may enroll
in the Kids in the Book Event FREE of charge with a paid adult!
Registration deadline is January 18 and may be done by phone (656-2076) or
email ( You won’t
want to miss this fun, educational event!
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