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Washington, IA 52353

Friday, August 17, 2012

August 19, 2012 Newsletter

Bearing Fruit
August 19, 2012

Our Church
Happy Anniversary to:  Don & Phyllis Headrick (8/20),     Mike & Karen Bates (8/25)

Offering for 8/12/12: $1898 (regular), $300 (van fund), $266.59 (VBS, Heifer Intl)

Grant and Edie will be gone through Tuesday, to visit family in Arizona.

Cindy Widmer had knee surgery at Mercy Hospital last Wednesday.  The surgery went well and Cindy is expected to recover quickly.  Remember Cindy in your prayers.

Please take time to update your address, birthday, phone number, and email for this year’s church directory on the table in the hallway.  Use the red pens to make corrections, initial if nothing has changed, or add your information if you weren’t in the last directory.  Amanda and Grant would also like a list of everyone’s cell phone numbers.  If you would prefer your cell number not to be in the directory, make a note of that and it will be added only to the pastors’ list.

Update on Van Fund: So far the church has received $800 toward the $1823 expenses for the van.  Thank you for your generous donations.  However, the church still needs $1023 this fiscal year (before Aug 31) to cover these expenses.  Please consider a donation to finish this off!  Thank you.

Elder’s meeting this Tuesday, August 21st at 7pm.

August 31 is the end of the church fiscal year.  Please submit all invoices to Mary Lou Farmer, Treasurer, before August 20, 2012.  She will thank you!

Fall business meeting is set for Wednesday, Sept 19th.  Please have annual reports to Andrea Nussbaum by Sept 2nd.

Barn Dance with Marion and Marlene…Tonight at 5pm, the Leichtys have invited us to party at their barn East of Noble (2770 Henry Washington Rd).  We will have an evening of games, eats, and old fashioned fellowship.  Bring your lawn chair and some finger foods to share.  We will provide plates, napkins, and lemonade.  Bring family…invite some friends!

There will be a Church-Wide Work Day this Saturday,   August 25th starting at 8:30am.  We will do window cleaning, shrubbery trimming, replace the pastors’ exterior doors, carpet sweeping & cleaning, etc.  Please bring the tools needed for these jobs. 

Members of Centro Cristiano will be hosting WMC for a fundraiser lunch to support IBA (Instituto Bíblico Anabautista), a course providing biblical-theological Anabaptist training for Spanish speakers, August 26th at noon.

Crooked Creek Christian Camp
CCCC has canceled the canoe trip on Saturday, August 25th.

CCCC has firewood for sale.  During the month of August the cost is just $60 per pickup load so stock up now for this winter!  Call the camp at 319.653.3611 to arrange a time to get your wood.

Please check your church bulletin board for poasters and your CCCC newsletter for more detailed information on the day retreat at camp about Body, Food & Health.  We have a great day planned so call today to register.  319.653.3611.

Mennonite Agencies

Aug 24th Open House and Appreciation event at the Everence office at 301 5th St in Kalona.  See the bulletin board for more details.

Free webinar for adult Sunday School teachers.  Conference Ministers David and Shana Boshart invite adult teachers and Sunday School superintendents to a free 90-minute webinar, Teaching for Transformation. Teach the Bible in a way that engages both mind and heart and that sparks transformation into the likeness of Jesus.  Attend this webinar from your own home computer or together with others from your congregation around one computer.  It will be offered twice: at 7:30pm on Tues, Aug 28, and again on Thurs, Aug 30.  Registration is limited; register by Aug 22 by emailing Monica Clem at office at

It's School Kit time again! School Kits are MCC's most requested item and we are collecting them now!  For a full list of items go to  If you have questions, please call our office at 316.283.2720.

Mennonite Mission Network Prayer Request:  Pray for MMN’s Radical Journey participants as they prepare for a challenging year in England, Paraguay, and South Africa.  May God give them courage and willingness to step into the unknown and to be shaped by the experience.

The Sower Prayer Request:  This week, Conference Ministers Tim Detweiler and David and Shana Boshart are in Montana to support and encourage the pastors and congregations there.  Pray for good fellowship, encouragement, and that all will be empowered to do God’s will.

Mennonite Education Agency Prayer Request:  Pray for the Bethel College student community, particularly first-year students and their parents, as opening weekend concludes with all-campus worship this morning.

Washington Area
The Sugar Creek Mennonite Church’s MYF is hosting a Back-to-School Baked Potato Bar fundraiser for Phoenix 2013 at noon on Sunday, Aug 19th at Sugar Creek.  Enjoy baked potatoes with all the trimmings and Hines Dairy homemade ice cream!  Free-will donation.

On September 15, 2012 Jason Boller Construction from Kalona and area Mennonite Churches will work together to put a new roof on the house of one of the Iglesia Centro Cristiano members.  The roofing project will also include volunteer labor.  The family will contribute funds to the roofing project but area Mennonite Churches are being asked to raise $4,000 by September 1, 2012.  Please label your contribution to this project as “Roofing Project” and either give to Mary Lou Farmer or put in a labeled envelope and place in the regular offering basket on Sunday morning.

Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University course will be offered at East Union Mennonite Church starting this fall.  The class will begin on Sunday, Sept 9th and meet for a total of nine Sundays, ending Nov 4th.  The classes will be held each Sunday from 4-6pm.  The cost is $80 per family unit for the 9 week course kits.  If you are interested in attending, please email Jane Swartzentruber at janer777 at for registration forms and/or if you have any questions.

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