Bulletin for September 5, 2010
Call to Worship
Sharing Time
Songs of Worship
Litany for Labor Day
Offering & Offertory
Children’s Time
Children dismissed to nursery
Scripture Reading: Matthew 28:16-20; Acts 1:12-20
Message: “Being the church”
Song of Response
Pastoral Prayer
Sending Song
Prelude & Offertory: Susan See
Worship Leader: Barb Ramsey
Song Leader: Carol Detweiler
Children’s Time: Jacayla Litwiller
Sermon/Pastoral Prayer: Diane Zaerr Brenneman
We welcome all to this place for the worship of God and for Christian fellowship. Let us worship God in spirit and in truth, reaching out to one another in Christ’s love. We welcome our guests and visitors and hope you will join us again soon.
Adult Sermon Extension (Sanctuary): Sandy Buhrow
Adult Bible Study: I John (classroom off kitchen): Gay Widmer
Preschool (middle classroom in Fellowship Hall): Gloria Widmer
Grades K-2 (corner classroom of Fellowship Hall): Karen Bates
Grades 3-5 (end classroom of Fellowship Hall): Becky Widmer
Youth grades 6-12 (upstairs): Grant Nebel
Nursery Attendant today: Martha Graber
Nursery Attendant next Sunday: Jon Widmer
VISION STATEMENT: As followers of Jesus Christ, we are a community of faith
empowered by the Holy Spirit, seeking to love God with all our heart, mind, soul,
and strength, and to love others as our self.
Ministers: All of God’s People
Pastors: Grant Nebel: 256.7252 (home) Diane Z. Brenneman: 319.936.7823 (cell)
319.931.2579 (cell) moderator@centralplainsmc.org
Seminary intern: Amanda Beachy 325.4522 (cell), abeach25@gmail.com
Elders: Francis Litwiller 656.3426, Gay Widmer 653.3423, Becky Widmer 653.4714
Church Secretary: Martha Graber 653.6393 Church Office Phone: 653.6041
Church Office e-mail: wash.mennonite@juno.com
Offering for 8/29/10: $5786.80 (regular)
Congratulations to our congregation. Through your giving in the month of August we were able to complete payment of our loan and make additional contributions in other areas. The finance committee is pleased to offer refreshments with our coffee this morning after the worship hour.
Happy Birthday to: Janet Payne & Courtney Bates (9/8)
Grant and Edie are in Indiana this weekend, returning on Monday evening.
Washington Mennonite is responsible for Meals on Wheels from September 6 to October 8, 2010. There is a sign up sheet in the foyer. If you are willing to take meals to elderly people over the noon hour, please sign your name.
Please put your “Spiritual Gifts Test” result sheet in Diane’s box. She will be tallying them to get a picture of the balance of gifts God has given Washington Mennonite members and friends. If you misplaced yours or haven’t taken the “test” yet, pick up a copy in the foyer.
Annual Reports are due on September 10 so that they can be prepared before the Fall Business Meeting on September 22.
Young mothers, notice the flyer on the bulletin board for MOPS (mothers of preschoolers).
It’s time to return our summer stewardship library to Western District Conference Resource Center. If you borrowed a book from the foyer table, please return it to Diane’s office this week. Central Plains bought a membership so any member of our conference (that means member of WMC) can borrow books from this great Resource Center. Check it out at www.mennowdc.org/Library. Marlene Bogard, the librarian, is a wonderful resource on anything you are studying or preparing or interested in reading more about. Her email is on the website.
Sept. 15: Mennonite Women all day meeting (invite a friend), at the church
with a potluck lunch at noon
Sept. 22: Annual Fall Business Meeting, 7 PM
Oct. 10: Annual Crop Walk, beginning at 12:30 PM
The IMS sophomore class is once again selling magazines. Purchase or renew subscriptions through an IMS sophomore between August 26 and September 9. Call IMS office for more information.
Crooked Creek Christian Camp invites all canoers to join us for a day on the river on Saturday, September 11! The first date was cancelled due to unsafe river levels. We will meet at camp at 9 AM and take it from there. If you don’t have a full day to commit to recreation, there is even a half-day option if you let us know in advance. Register early as space is limited; registration fee of $17 per person ($10 per child 12 and under) includes lunch and snacks. Participants under the age of 18 must be accompanied by an adult. Pre-registration is required by phone or email. Contact the camp office (319.653.3611) to register. If you were registered for August 28, please confirm with camp that you are coming on September 11.
Tickets are available for the 2010-11 IMS Fine Arts Series, with the first event set for Saturday, September 11, at 7 PM. John McCutcheon is the featured performer, described as “folk music’s rustic Renaissance Man.” Other events are The March Winds on January 15, featuring The Sunday Evening Brass Quintet and the Court Hill Woodwind Quintet; and Homespun, an evening of memories, storytelling, song and drama. That will occur on March 12. Please contact the school office (656.2073) for further information and ticket prices.
St. James Catholic Church, is sponsoring their Annual Fall Festival, on Sunday, September 12, 2010 at the KC Hall. The meal includes a ham and turkey dinner with homemade dressing, mashed potatoes and gravy, vegetables, salads, rolls, beverages and dessert serving from 11 AM to 1 PM. Cost: $10 adults, $5 kids (6-12). Also come and enjoy the Country Store with delicious baked goods and fine crafts. For more information see the flyer on the bulletin board.
Singing songs around a campfire, listening to stories and making the perfect s’more. If you like any of these things, you are invited to Crooked Creek Christian Camp on Sunday evening, September 12, at 6 PM. Heather Herschberger will lead us in a hymn sing and Ken and Noreen Gingerich will share stories from the beginnings of Crooked Creek. To top off what is sure to be a great evening, all are welcome to enjoy a s’mores smorgasbord. No registration is required, just bring your lawn chair, hymnal and a friend!
Support Habitat for Humanity at the 7th Annual Art & Flower Festival on September 18 from 10 AM – 4 PM at Anna’s Cutting Garden (1259 Rohret Rd. SW, Oxford). Pick your own flowers and herbs and enjoy live music, homemade ice cream and masonry-oven pizza, children’s activities, and art from 15 local artists. Free-will offering on everything except art; event is rain or shine. Info at www.iowavalleyhabitat.org
MABROK, our annual family bike ride on the Kewash Trail, is scheduled for Sunday, September 19th, at 3:00 PM at Sunset Park. We will ride to West Chester and back, and then enjoy fellowship, hot dogs and jalapenos in the park. Please sign up in the foyer so we know how many are coming. We have invited West Union to be our guests. Family Life Committee will be your hosts.
Third Way Media (formerly Mennonite Media) is encouraging congregations and individuals to join in a world wide prayer for peace day, September 21. It is organized through Odyssey networks, a Third Way Media Partner in funding and producing media projects. Find a link on the home page at www.ThirdWayCafe.com or go to www.AMillionMinnutesForPeace.org to sign the pledge. We invite you to share what you or others are doing in homes, neighborhoods, cities and the world to work toward peace on Third Way Café’s Facebook page.
All those age 60 and better are invited to Crooked Creek Christian Camp for Senior Day on Thursday, October 7 for Senior Day. Wilford Yoder will get us started by sharing his presentation of nature photography and scripture. It is sure to inspire! Mark this date and watch your bulletins for more information.
The Central Plains Stewardship Task Group has initiated a fund-raising campaign to raise $50,000 for a cash reserve fund. Our conference bills and salaries need to be paid with regularity, but income from contributions can be quite irregular. Please prayerfully consider contributing to this fund. Contributions may be mailed to the Central Plains Mennonite Conference, PO Box 101, Freeman, SD 57029, and designated “cash flow reserve fund”.
Mission Network prayer request: For Angela and Tomoki Yamanaka in Hokkaido, Japan, August was filled with children’s camps, concerts and special events. Pray that seeds planted during this month will bear an eternal harvest.
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